The GTA franchise consists of some of the most popular games across all platforms, consoles, PC, and otherwise. Mobile gaming has slowly risen to become a legitimate handheld gaming platform.
The space that was previously occupied by handheld consoles like PSP and Nintendo DS has now been occupied by Android and iOS devices.
Rockstar Games, not the one to miss the boat on a new trend, released a version of their GTA games for the Android and iOS platforms as well.
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There are several entries from the GTA franchise available on the Google Play Store and App Store, namely:
- GTA San Andreas
- GTA Vice City
- GTA Liberty City Stories
- GTA Chinatown Wars
Google Play Store is the only legitimate and legal way of downloading these games for Android devices. Any other method of downloading these games from unofficial Third-Party websites is considered piracy and is illegal.
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GTA Vice City APK 70MB download
There are several sites and Youtube videos that are linked to third-party websites offering highly compressed versions of these games for free.
However, keep in mind that these are not legitimate and can often harm your Android device. The only way to play GTA Vice City on your smartphone is by purchasing and downloading the game from Google Play Store.
Piracy has always been an issue in the entertainment industry, but exponentially more so in the gaming industry. Developers and publishers have employed the use of DRMs to protect their IP, but cannot cover all bases.
Purchasing and downloading games is the only way to support the developers of your favourite games. GTA Vice City can be downloaded from Google Play Store for a reasonable price.
Also Read: GTA 5 on Android: Real or Fake?