A long-lost GTA Vice City mod, known as "Silent Hill Exotica," has recently resurfaced in the modding community, dispelling the myth surrounding its disappearance. The mod was originally made in 2016 by a user named "gunby," also known as "the wraith," and was only exclusive to the Xbox console.
The mod's screenshots (unavailable at the moment) were submitted to TheIsoZone, a gaming forum, and a resource website. However, the mod itself remained lost until now.
Thanks to the efforts of a YouTuber that goes by the alias MenuSkip, "Silent Hill Exotica" has now been fully extracted and is available on the Web Archive. However, to play the mod, a modded Xbox or emulator is required.
What is this revived GTA Vice City Xbox mod all about?
"Silent Hill Exotica" is a unique GTA Vice City mod that includes demonic creatures from the Silent Hill video game series, such as Pyramid Head, Faceless Nurses, Closer, Mannequins, Insane Cancer, Lying Figures, and Groaner.
To give readers an overview of the Silent Hill game series:
"They are known for their creepy and unsettling atmosphere, as well as their psychological horror elements. The games often feature a protagonist who is searching for a missing person or trying to unravel a mystery, while being pursued by grotesque and terrifying creatures."
The town of Silent Hill, which serves as the setting for most games, is often portrayed as a haunted and sinister place, with a history of tragedy and darkness. The games also explore themes such as guilt, trauma, and the nature of reality.
The mod replaces normal loading screens with nightmares, featuring versions of Vice City turned into Silent Hill with never-ending fog and demonic attacks from the monsters. It also includes two Silent Hill protagonists, James Sunderland and Heather Mason, and replaces GTA Vice City radio stations with Silent Hill static.
The mod's creator, "gunby," was elusive, and little is known about the development process of "Silent Hill Exotica." However, investigating the mod's source has revealed that it was only made in the Xbox version of the game. This exclusivity adds to the mystique of the mod, making it even more appealing.
Silent Hill Exotica's unique structure, along with the effort required to play it, adds to the excitement.
The resurrection of "Silent Hill Exotica" is significant news for the modding community and fans of GTA Vice City. The community has once again demonstrated its dedication to preserving and resurrecting lost gaming content, ensuring that it is not forgotten by future generations of gamers.
While the mod is only playable on modded Xbox consoles and emulators, its resurgence is a significant event in the gaming community.