GTA Online has a host of properties that unlock certain business ventures for players.
In the same way that CEO offices allow players to get into the Import/Export business, Arcades serve as a gateway to get access to the Diamond Casino and Resort heist and more.
Buying an Arcade in GTA Online is fairly simple, with many locations available for purchase all over Los Santos. Here's how to get one for yourself and how to make it worth the price.
How to buy an Arcade in GTA Online
To buy an Arcade, players must first meet Lester at his icon over at Mirror. A short cutscene will then play, introducing players to Georgina Cheng and the plot to rob the Diamond Casino and Resort. Soon after, players can purchase the Arcade as a means to set up the heist after receiving this text from Lester:
"OK. Found something perfect. There are sum old arcades on Maze Bank Foreclosures that'd be perfect for the Casino job. If ur in I am 2!"
After this, players can log on to Maze Bank Foreclosures to take a look at the 6 available Arcade locations.
- Eight-Bit in Vinewood - $2,530,000
- Insert Coin in Rockford Hills - $2,345,000
- Pixel Pete’s in Paleto Bay - $1,235,000
- Videogeddon in La Mesa - $1,875,000
- Warehouse in Davis - $2,135,000
- Wonderama in Grapeseed - $1,565,000
The cheapest arcade in Paleto Bay may seem tempting at first but players should consider the fact that traveling between Paleto Bay and Los Santos for set-up missions is extremely tedious and will cost them a lot of time.
For cash-strapped GTA Online players, the La Mesa Arcade is the best middle ground for location and budget as it sits close to the Diamond Casino without breaking the bank.

After selecting a location, players can customize the interiors of their Arcade, which is completely optional and does not impact a player's ability to set up the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online.
Among the customization options, players have the ability to purchase a 10-car garage in the Arcade basement which adds decent value if players purchase an Arcade during a sale.
Once players have settled on their customization choices and hit 'buy', they are now free to set up the Diamond Casino Heist.
Players can recover all the investment costs for an Arcade within 5 heists, making it one of the best investments a player can make in GTA Online.