Earlier today, Rockstar Games officially dropped The Last Dose update for GTA Online. It introduced five brand new story missions to the game that players must grind through to end the Los Santos Drug Wars saga that kicked off on December 13, 2022 with the winter DLC. By completing all five of these missions in The Last Dose DLC update, players certainly have a lot to gain, but it can be a difficult process for many fans.
Although veteran GTA players may be used to the challenges that a difficult mission puts forth, this can be quite taxing on beginners who are getting their very first taste of GTA Online today. To provide assistance in this regard, this article will guide players through the penultimate Last Dose update mission, Checking In.
GTA Online guide: How to complete The Last Dose 4 - Checking In mission
The mission marker will be located right outside the Freakshop in GTA Online at the usual location. Once you step in and press the button prompt, the Checking In mission will begin. Since there's no opening cutscene, it will start off with Dax outside the Freakshop in his Journey II, informing you about this mission.
Following this, you'll be asked to follow Dax to the rehab clinic. To make this trip much easier, you can simply open up the in-game map and place a waypoint at the rehab clinic's coordinates marked with a yellow circle.
Upon reaching the clinic, you'll spot a large number of Friedlander's armed goons outside who can be taken out without too much trouble. Once they're dealt with, a yellow marker will appear in front of the clinic's door.
If you attempt to break in, the door will swing open and blast you in the face with a gas that puts you on an acid trip that's quite similar to the one seen in The First Dose. This is when Dr. Friedlander can be heard narrating how he wants to see if overdosing on his latest formula can cause you to become permanently insane.
Under the influence of this drug, you'll then be attacked by green aliens, cougars, multiple Dr. Friedlanders, members of the Fooliganz, and several of your own in-game character models. Fighting them will likely prove to be difficult as the swaying screen effect of the acid trip makes aiming incredibly hard.
Fortunately, there's ample cover available here, so you can use that to your advantage. After a lengthy fight sequence, a prompt will pop up, asking you to "accept what you cannot change" if you want to end the halucination.
Although the NPCs will continue attacking you, the key here is to stop shooting and let them win when this prompt appears on your screen. Once you're down, the mission will be completed. You'll then see a black screen and receive your rewards based on your performance.
Later on, you'll wake up from this drug-induced trance somewhere in the wilderness, following which Dax will call your character to set up GTA Online's The Last Dose update's final mission, BDKD.