Intel setup mission has become an integral part of GTA Online, as each DLC features one final job along with several smaller setup tasks. The Oscar Guzman Flies Again DLC is similar in the sense that you must complete some setup missions before you can access the final job.
This article will cover the Intel setup mission for the Oscar Guzman Flies Again job and help you understand and complete it quickly.
A brief guide to the Intel setup mission in GTA Online Oscar Guzman Flies Again DLC

To start the task, go to the Hangar and access your laptop. Next, click on Oscar Guzman Flies Again and then select Setup: Intel. Confirm all the settings and head out. The NPC will inform you of a drone console where you can gather valuable information about the target. For this, you must head over to the Drone Station.
Once there, use the keycard to gain entry to the room. Once inside, interact with the console to start piloting a drone. Use it to follow the yellow dot on the map. The factory has some enemies, so you must be careful when getting inside. Use the drone's boost to quickly escape sight. Note that it will take some practice to get used to the drone's controls and glide it smoothly.
Also check: How to download the new GTA Online Oscar Guzman update

Now, you must visit each server, get near it, and wait for the drone to recover the data. Note that some of the servers will have enemies close to them and you can either wait for them to leave or use the drone to shock them. This will make less noise and let you proceed.
You will then be informed of a shipwreck with crucial hardware and asked to retrieve it. Exit the drone station, hop into your vehicle and follow the marker to reach the next Intel setup mission location.
After cleaning out the enemies, wear the scuba diving gear and jump into the water. Once at the crash site, swim around and collect all the cargo. Note that the area is big and it will take some time before you have everything.

Once you have everything, quickly get out of the water, but watch out for enemy boats and the fresh NPCs on the shore. Take them out and go back to the hangar to deliver the cargo. Once you do, the Intel setup mission will be over.
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