Welcome to the Troupe is the first mission in the First Dose series within GTA Online's latest Los Santos Drug Wars update. Completing it isn't difficult, but unlocking it can be a bit confusing for casual players.
As a result, this guide will cover everything from how you can get started with this mission, as well as how you can complete it. While some tips may seem obvious to veteran players, such advice will be valuable to beginners who need the most assistance in completing Welcome to the Troupe.
Completing this First Dose mission unlocks the Freakshop, Fooligan Jobs, and the next part of the Los Santos Drug Wars story.
GTA Online guide: How to complete the First Dose 1 - Welcome to the Troupe mission

Once you log in to GTA Online after updating it to the Los Santos Drug Wars patch, you just need to loiter around a bit until Ron calls you. You can hang up as soon as he contacts you and look towards the Sandy Shores area on your map.
GTA Online players need to head to the yellow 'R' on the map to start First Dose 1 - Welcome to the Troupe. You will see a yellow marker here, so head into it and press the button prompt that the game gives you to see a cutscene with Ron and his buddies.

After the introductions are over, you will notice that the Lost MC is shooting up the place. You need to be ready to deal with these bikers. However, you will have some backup by your side.
Take Out the Lost MC

There isn't any gimmick associated with this task. All you have to do is dispose of all Lost MC NPCs in any way that you'd like. Keep in mind that you have the high ground, so take advantage of the cover system to avoid dying.
If you do get low on health, heal up. Don't forget that you can eat or armor up on the weapon wheel now. Other than that, there isn't much to say here except that you can spot all the enemies as red circles on the minimap, as per usual.
Bringing back Dax's stolen Journey

GTA Online players then have to retrieve Dax's Journey in First Dose 1 - Welcome to the Troupe. It's marked on your minimap, but be careful of some Lost MC members waiting there. They're not hard to get rid of, so eliminate them and get inside the Journey.
The next part of First Dose 1 - Welcome to the Troupe involves taking this slow Journey to Dax's location. Some Lost MC will attack you, but they're otherwise easy to avoid. If you take too much damage, you can heal up via snacks in the Interaction Menu.
You will then be tasked to go to The Freakshop, which GTA Online players will unlock after completing First Dose 1 - Welcome to the Troupe. There isn't anything left to do after this mission since this was the final task required of you.