The GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties update has added many new missions to the game, some as part of the Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement business. One of these is Most Wanted - Whitney, a high-profile bounty-hunting quest. It can be started from the Bail Enforcement office computer and will reward $129,000. Note that the payout will reduce if Grace Whitney isn't brought back alive. In fact, this is the case for all bounty-hunting targets.
Here's how to complete the Whitney Most Wanted mission in GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties update.
GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties update guide: How to complete the Whitney Most Wanted mission
To start the Whitney Most Wanted mission, you first need a Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement office. There are five properties for this business, you can buy any one from Maze Bank Foreclosures.
Sit through an introductory cutscene upon visiting the business property for the first time. When that concludes, access the office computer and select the Most Wanted Target, Whitney in this case. Multiple bounty-hunting targets will be listed on the screen, with the Most Wanted Target marked in red.

This Most Wanted mission can be played solo or with three additional GTA Online players. It involves Grace Whitney, a billionaire, suspected of faking her death; to verify this, first visit the St. Fiacre Hospital morgue.
Take out the guard at the entrance and head inside the building, where you will have to deal with two more guards before checking the mortuary cabinet, marked with a green dot.

Take a picture of the body and send it over to Jenette Eccles. She will quickly remark that it isn't Grace Whitney and instruct you to head over to the latter's gallery. Many guards will be there, make your way through them to the gallery's roof to secure the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties Most Wanted Target.
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Make sure to stock up on snacks, ammunition, and body armor before starting this bounty-hunting mission.
Once at the roof, take out any remaining guards and helicopters, but make sure not to use lethal rounds on the Most Wanted Target - Whitney. Either disarm her by shooting at her hand or use a stun gun to knock her out.
Now, stand near her and press the prompted button to load her in the Bottom Dollar Bail Enforcement van and take her back to the business property.
There will be resistance on the way, but pretty routine and quite easy to eliminate or ignore. Delivering her alive to the Bail Enforcement office will complete this GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties Whitney Most Wanted mission and reward the payout after some time.

A bit of extra cash can also be made during the Whitney Most Wanted mission by stealing a painting from the billionaire's gallery.
Although the overall payout isn't very high, these missions are quite fun to play. In a nutshell, the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties update seems pretty enjoyable.
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