Peyote Plants are back in GTA Online. The Los Santos Drug Wars variation will transform players into rabbits just in time for the Easter holiday. Unlike other versions of this event, players cannot transform into different animals. There are 76 locations where players can find these plants, all of which are scattered across the island. Some are in the ocean, with most Peyote Plants being present on the mainland.
This guide will contain an image of a map with all locations marked for the player's convenience. Read on to learn more.
All Peyote Plant locations in GTA Online (as of Los Santos Drug Wars update)

The above image displays all 76 locations where GTA Online players can find Peyote Plants in the Los Santos Drug Wars update. They can find 52 of them on land and 24 underwater, while the remaining two are considered "special" (although you cannot transform into Chop or Bigfoot during this event). For an in-depth look at their exact locations, try an interactive map like
Otherwise, the above photo should be easy to follow. The object you're looking for is like a little circular cactus with a flower on top of it. You cannot eat them in Passive Mode.
Example of player eating Peyote Plant
One of the most popular spots to eat this item is near Franklin's old home, which he lived in at the start of GTA 5, as demonstrated in the above video clip. It also shows a brief animation where the player transforms into a rabbit 100% of the time to celebrate Easter.
You can control this animal however you wish. Note that rabbits are defenseless animals, meaning any player or NPC can easily eliminate you in this state. If you get Wasted, you will spawn back as a human.
GTA Online players who want to be rabbits again can eat another Peyote Plant to start over.
This video shows a player visiting all 76 locations. The footage, however, was made long before the Los Santos Drug Wars patch, meaning a 100% rabbit transformation wasn’t possible then. Nonetheless, some GTA Online players will find this video useful if they can't find a Peyote Plant with the previously posted map.
Note that each plant consumed gives you 5,000 RP. There used to be an exploit where:
- You could set your spawn to your last location.
- Consume one of the plants.
- Get 5,000 RP
- Start a versus mission.
- Cancel it to skip the cooldown.
- Change your outfit to force a save.
However, some players have reported that it has since been patched for them.
Other RP exploits might be present, so players are urged to keep an eye on any new glitches associated with this feature. Until then, GTA Online players can consume these plants before they are discontinued again in a future weekly update. There is no telling when this feature will return, although they have historically been present at Halloween.