With the ongoing GTA Online events, players should consider getting themselves a Nagasaki Shotaro.
Right now, one can earn triple the rewards in Deadline. It's an Adversary Mode that requires the use of the Shotaro. This futuristic bike originally showed up in the 2016 Bikers update, and its Adversary Mode sees frequent use in GTA Online.
The Nagasaki Shotaro is very expensive due to its high performance. However, players will find plenty of reasons to use this motorbike. Despite a few drawbacks, the Shotaro is still a reliable vehicle.
GTA Online: Is the Nagasaki Shotaro any good?

The Nagasaki Shotaro is quite reminiscent of the famous Light Cycles. Fans of Tron will recognize the vehicle from a mile away. Here are the fundamental basics of the Shotaro.
Overall performance
GTA Online players will find competitive usage with the Shotaro, as it boasts high performance in all major categories. According to in-game testing by Broughy1322, the factual top speed is 123.75 miles per hour (or 199.16 kilometers per hour). Its fast acceleration makes it even better.
Due to sharp handling and responsive control, players will make the tightest of turns. Coupled with that, the Shotaro also has a quick braking system. Overall, it's a great racing vehicle. In fact, it's one of the best in its motorbike class.
However, there are a few downsides. First and foremost, it's a ridiculously expensive vehicle. Secondly, the Shotaro will drown when submerged in shallow water. Therefore, it's best to avoid such areas, especially near storm drains.
General price range
GTA Online players can buy the Nagasaki Shotaro at Legendary Motorsports. However, this can only be done after the Adversary Mode is completed. As mentioned above, it costs a considerable amount of money. Players can purchase it for $2,225,000. If need be, it can be resold at $1,335,000.
Any customization afterwards will cost extra. GTA Online players can fully realize the potential of this motorbike if they fine tune it. Notably, bulletproof tires are standard with the installation process.
Check out the Deadline Adversary Mode in GTA Online

From now until 29 September 2021, GTA Online players can receive special bonuses. Deadline currently offers triple the cash rewards. Coupled with that, players will also get double the reputation points (RP).
This Adversary Mode makes great use of the Nagasaki Shotaro. It can be played between two, three, or four players. The main objective is to blow up one's opponents. There is a colorful trail behind the Shotaros, and if another player comes into contact, they will explode.
Now is a good time to practice for new beginners. The Adversary Mode is popular enough to receive constant updates. Players should give it a try, and acquire the Nagasaki Shotaro. It's a fast-paced vehicle with great aesthetics that's also fun to use.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.