One of the most common searches that Grand Theft Auto fans have is, "How long has GTA 5 been out?" The game has infamously been ported through three generations of consoles and is still the latest single-player title within the franchise. Its multiplayer counterpart, Grand Theft Auto Online, still gets updates to this day. It's easy to see why some wonder when its single-player version launched.
For those who don't know, GTA 5 was officially released on September 17, 2013. That was nearly ten years ago, by the time this article was written. Since the game's debut, the title has managed to sell over 175,000,000 copies, making it the second-most-sold video game of all time, only behind Minecraft.
When did GTA 5 come out?

Here is the game's release date on all platforms:
- PS3 and Xbox 360: September 17, 2013
- PS4 and Xbox One: November 18, 2014
- PC: April 14, 2015
- PS5 and Xbox Series X|S: March 15, 2022
This game was yet to be ported to any other device when this article was published. GTA 5 has already been present across the seventh, eighth, and ninth home console generations. Grand Theft Auto 6 was also yet to be announced by this point.
On a related note, Grand Theft Auto Online has all of the same release dates listed above except for the PS3 and Xbox 360 debuts. The multiplayer game was initially launched on October 1, 2013.
Why is GTA 5 so successful?

Grand Theft Auto is one of the most recognizable video game franchises of all time, leading to GTA 5's success for the following reasons:
- Rockstar Games' reputation: Rockstar Games is known for making legendary titles that stand the test of time quite well.
- Past games' legacies: All mainline games receive scores ranging from great to amazing reviews from several respected critics. Thus, gamers know that these titles are usually worth playing based on past precedence.
- Good reviews: Its Critic Score on Metacritic ranges from the low 80s to the high 90s, depending on the platform.
- This game's features: It's the latest single-player game in the series and has the most features, including a robust multiplayer mode.
- Multiplayer games keep the single-player alive: Both RP and Online are good for marketing the single-player game.
- No real competitors: There aren't many games that fulfill the open-world sandbox crime simulator like this one.
- Adult theme: Some people are inherently attracted to the mature vibes offered in this franchise.
- Several ports: Every main PlayStation and Xbox console has had this title since the PS3 and Xbox 360. That means it's easy to access.
It's no surprise that the game sold as many copies as it did.
A brief look back at GTA 5's history
Rockstar Games officially revealed this game on October 25, 2011. Many fans were hyped since its predecessor was beloved. Thankfully, GTA 5 did not disappoint when it first came out on September 17, 2013. There were long lines in many video game stores, with many players eagerly waiting to get a physical copy of the title.
Both critics and gamers gave GTA 5 critical acclaim for the most part, although there was some criticism towards Trevor Phillips and a few aspects of the weak overall story. Nonetheless, the actual gameplay was top-notch, and many people still play this game regularly in 2023.
GTA 5 is funny, charming, and still full of content that players might discover years after they first gave this title a go. Its success isn't short-lived either, as Take-Two still reports the game selling 5,000,000 extra copies roughly every Earnings Call. The modding scene is still active, with something like GTA RP being one of the most-watched Twitch games ever.