Both GTA Online and Batman fans alike enjoy reveling in the unique brand of insanity provided by Bane, one of the Dark Knight's most relentless enemies. As such, many GTA Online players would love to play as the villain in the game.
PC modders can easily find or create an identical copy of the Bane mask from the movie and look exactly like Tom Hardy's portrayal from 2012's The Dark Knight Rises.
However, the most frustrating thing about GTA Online players not playing the PC version — where they can easily mod the mask — is that they won't be fully satisfied with the mask options. But you can still make the best of an unfavorable situation, and the available clothes and character creation tools can help make all the difference.
GTA Online: Bane of my life

Obviously, the Bane mask has a very unique style and mechanic to it and as such, was not made available in GTA 5 or GTA Online on consoles like the Xbox One or Playstation 4.
There are two other options that you can choose from when selecting the mask: the mask store on Vespucci Beach, or one of the accessories available at Ammu-Nation.
The first thing to do on GTA Online is make the character completely bald. You can purchase the Dome Helmet to make the Black Dome Vent Mask available at the Vespucci Beach mask store. Then head down to the beach and pick it up from the Bikers section of the mask menu.
Next, go to a clothing store and buy the following items:
- Chacoal T-Shirt
- Tan Leather Jacket
- Black Heist Pants
- Black Scruffy Boots
- Black Gauntleet (R) *optional from jewelry
You will then have to return to your apartment to suit up, including the Dome Helmet to enable the mask add-on. Once fully dressed, the last step is to go over to the telescope in your apartment and make use of the "telescope glitch". This will remove the Dome Helmet, leaving your GTA Online character wearing only the mask.
GTA Online: Other Bane mask option

Instead of the biker mask option, there's just one other suitable mask to choose from: the re-breather in GTA 5 and GTA Online used for breathing underwater. It's the next-best option for creating the Bane character.