Keeping one's eyes peeled while playing GTA Online is crucial to moving forward with efficiency because often players find themselves in a rut. It is relatively easy to get locked in a particular game mode or activity and ignore opportunities that offer bonus Cash and RP.
A sure-shot way to ensure that players are alert in GTA Online is to complete some Daily Objectives. These appear in the player's Interaction Menu under "Objectives."
Completing these Daily Objectives results in an extra dose of Cash and RP for the GTA Online players and provides a nice change of pace. The objectives often include an activity, or a match-type players don't usually engage in. This makes for a nice little detour for the players.
How to participate in a Land Race in GTA Online, Daily Objective
A recurring Daily Objective is to "Participate in a Land Race," which might be confusing because players are often unsure of what a landrace entails. The easiest way to go about participating in a landrace is to look under Jobs in the Pause Menu.
To participate in a Land Race:
- Open the Pause Menu
- Go to Online
- Select Play Job > Rockstar Created > Races
- Under Races, look for "Type: Land Races."
- Select the most interesting one and wait for matchmaking
As the name implies, a Land Race typically takes place on land and can be contested using various vehicles. It is a landrace that will eliminate the need for players to know their way with a plane, jet-ski, or a helicopter.
Races are perhaps one of the most vital aspects of GTA Online. Often, players overlook them. Completing these objectives is a great way to make extra Cash and RP in GTA Online because the payout is always decent.