For a game that came out in 2013, GTA 5 still manages to be one of the best-looking games that one can pick up on their PC. Given that the PC version was released for the next-gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox One), the game received a bit of a touch-up and enhancements from the version in 2013.
Video games can evolve quite quickly in just a few months, which is why many might feel GTA 5 to be one of the least taxing games they can play in 2021. However, soon after they boot up their game and head into a Story Mode or an Online lobby, it becomes apparent that the game still needs powerful hardware.
While GTA 5 doesn't exactly need the latest RTX or a high-end setup, getting the best out of the game can take some work, even on mid-tier setups.
How to optimize performance visually for GTA 5 on PC
Stay within the suggested memory usage
Knowing one's GPU is key to figuring out what kind of settings would suit their PC best. One quick way to ensure that the game isn't wholly obliterating the player's GPU is to keep an eye on the game's memory usage while adjusting the game.
A small part of the GPU's memory will be allocated to other services on the PC. For the rest of the memory, players should have some leeway not to put extreme pressure on their CPUs.
Players should try tweaking Draw Distances, Level of Detail, Shadows, and in the worst-case, Resolution. In most cases, Resolution should be the last thing players adjust, as going below the 1080 mark isn't exactly ideal for most setups.
Benchmark tests are cool
One of the best ways to figure out which settings work the best for one's PC is to let the game do its job. Players can run a Benchmark test that will throw many different combinations of graphics settings and details to test how much stress it puts on the GPU.
After the test is run, the game will have a decent idea of the level of settings that the PC can handle. GTA 5's Benchmark Test is quite extensive, which is what makes it an excellent tool to test out one's GPU.
One excellent way to ensure that the player has a decent frame rate and detail in the game is to turn off VSync, remove the Frame Limiter, and set it to Unlimited.
Performance over Quality
While in an ideal situation, such a compromise wouldn't need to be made. But certain mid-tier PCs will force the player's hand to pick between Quality and Performance. Even though high-res textures and soft shadows are cool, they aren't as cool as a stable frame rate.
If players need to drop the Level of Detail, Draw Distance, or the quality of textures, they should be willing to make that compromise. GTA 5 is a beautiful game, regardless, even with the graphics settings turned low. This is why players should focus on getting a stable frame rate and performance beyond their experience in GTA 5.