GTA: San Andreas is one of the most popular games of all time and a beloved single-player experience. The story, introduces a new GTA character, that of Carl Johnson (CJ). CJ is a former gang member returning to a life of crime in Los Santos, one of the cities in GTA. Following the classic GTA format, this new installment too, promises to be pure fun for all its players.
GTA SA has everything from gang turf wars to stealing jetpacks from secret government facilities. GTA players have sunk in countless hours in GTA: San Andreas since its release in 2004. Thus it is no wonder that GTA has long carved itself a place in history as one of the most popular games of all time.
However, the fantastic modding community of the GTA franchise was not satisfied with just a single-player experience, and soon enough, the GTA: SA MP mod was born.
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GTA SA: MP Online Multiplayer Mod

The GTA SA: MP, as it is popularly known on the internet, is one of the most popular mods of GTA: San Andreas. It took the GTA experience online and was a massive success almost instantly.
You can download the GTA SA's multiplayer mod from the official GTA SA website. It can additionaly download a server client. This mod requires upto 6MB on your hard drive.
The GTA multiplayer has a number of popular game modes such as:
- Deathmatch
- CTF (Capture The Flag)
- Cops n Robbers/ Gangs n Cops
- Freeroam
- Moneygrub/Land Grab
- Freighter
The GTA MP mod is a fantastically developed mod that takes the experience of GTA: San Andreas online and can result in some of the best moments in online gaming for hardcore GTA fans.
The freeroam option in GTA is especially exciting as a number of players on a single server can rain down ungodly amounts of chaos in Los Santos and its neighboring cities.
This GTA mod gives the player options in selecting the server they want to play on, which means that they can join a server along with their friends.
Also Read: How To Download GTA: San Andreas on PC