GTA 5 is filled with cool Easter eggs, secrets and mysteries that players love to track down and uncover.
These Easter eggs or secrets are usually hilarious and often take a jab at pop culture events. However, they can sometimes take a turn for the dark.
Rockstar Games have largely stayed away from the horror genre and made action-adventure their home in GTA or Red Dead Redemption. Over the years, however, they have dipped their toes in the genre by including some truly bone-chilling Easter Eggs and secrets in their games.
GTA 5 includes one of the freakiest ones in the history of the franchise.
How to spot the Mount Gordo ghost in GTA 5 Story Mode
GTA 5's world-building is second to none. Radio talk-show segments, newspaper clippings and even the in-game internet point to all sorts of game-world events. One dastardly event that occurs in the game world is the murder of Jolene Cranly-Evans at the hands of her famous stuntman husband, John "Jock" Cranly.
The mystery remains unsolved, and Jock Cranly was able to walk away from the crime untouched. However, Jolene's spirit haunts the place where she was murdered and appears on Mount Gordo at specific times.

To spot Jolene's ghost atop Mount Gordo, simply follow these steps:
- Travel to the north-eastern part of Mount Gordo between 23:00 and 00:00.
- At the very end of the cliffs, a white ghostly figure of Jolene will appear.
- Do not approach Jolene as she will disappear if the player gets too close.
- Switch to First-Person mode and aim down the sight of a weapon to get a closer look.
- The ghost will re-appear when the player keeps aiming.