The popularity of the GTA Online Arcade remains high in 2023. Rockstar Games added it to the game in December 2019 with The Diamond Casino Heist DLC update. While veteran players have had the business running for years, new players are frequently perplexed by its utility and avoid purchasing it. Some also claim that it is not a reliable source of income and is unsuitable for solo grinders.
While the claims are true to some extent, the Arcade has its own unique benefits that set it apart from other mainstream businesses in the multiplayer game. This article explains why it is a must-own business in GTA Online in 2023 and takes a look at its benefits.
Note: Some parts of this article are subjective and solely reflect the writer's opinions.
The Arcade business provides the highest-earning income source over any other ventures in GTA Online
The main advantage of owning an Arcade business is that it unlocks The Diamond Casino Heist for players, which is one of the highest-paying jobs in GTA Online. To be more specific, purchasing an Arcade is the only way to gain access to the heist, as all of the prerequisite missions take place entirely within the business.
However, getting the business is itself a complex process as you must first unlock it on the Maze Bank Foreclosures website. Players can refer to the GTA Online Arcade purchasing guide to easily set up their businesses.
Rockstar Games offer six Arcade locations with prices ranging from $1,235,000 to $4,082,500. Once purchased and set up, The Diamond Casino Heist will be available for players to begin.
Other benefits of owing an Arcade in Grand Theft Auto Online
The Arcade is one of the best passive money-making businesses in GTA Online in 2023. As mentioned before, it does not provide any active income sources except for The Diamond Casino Heist. However, the safe locker inside the Arcade office can generate profits automatically.
The safe can generate up to $5,000 per in-game day and store up to $100,000. However, in order to maximize profits, players must set up their businesses properly. The community strongly believes that the more Arcade gaming machines you have in your establishment, the more money you'll make per in-game day.
The basement of the Arcade is also one of its main selling points. Along with hosting the heist, it also has a Master Control Terminal from which players can control all of their primary GTA Online businesses. It has access to the Nightclub, Gunrunning Supplies, Cocaine Lockup, Meth Lab, Weed Farm, Counterfeit Cash Factory, Document Forgery Office, Vehicle Cargo, Special Cargo, and Air-freight Cargo businesses.
Players can begin sourcing and selling missions from the Master Control Terminal without having to visit the actual MC or CEO business.