GTA 5 is an amazing game that has been relevant ever since it rolled out in 2013. Apart from the protagonist trio, there are several other interesting characters who either appear or have been mentioned in the story. Brad is one such character who was part of the prologue's bank heist mission. However, he gets shot during a cutscene, and then isn't talked about till a later part of the plot.
To answer the question, no, Brad is not alive in GTA 5. This was revealed in Bury the Hatchet mission when Trevor Phillips digs out "Michael's" grave, but finds Brad's body inside the casket. It is then revealed that he died on the day of the botched robbery and was buried.
This article will further reveal the incident, what led to Brad's death in GTA 5, and Michael De Santa's role in all of that.
Brad's death in GTA 5 and all the other related events
While not the craziest mission in GTA 5, the prologue's heist is where players first get to know Brad, and later get shot when Trevor, Michael, and he are trying to escape the cops after looting the cash depot. However, he gets hit by a bullet and falls. Michael follows suit soon after and urges Trevor to leave them behind and escape.
It is then mentioned that Trevor receives constant letters from Brad, who is supposedly locked in some high-security prison and Michael is dead and buried in New Yankton. However, some events transpire and it is revealed that Michael De Santa is alive, and he sold out his friends to escape prison time.
Later, players reach Bury the Hatchet mission in Grand Theft Auto 5. There, things become clear as Trevor flies off to North Yankton and digs out "Michael's" grave, only to find Brad's body in it. It is also revealed that all those letters were sent by the FIB agent to keep Trevor in the dark.
The developers also led players to believe that Brad might be alive before Bury the Hatchet mission. This happens because Trevor often told Michael that he wants to break his friend out of the prison so that the three of them can once again form a team and start robbing places.
On top of that, ever since players found out about the canceled single-player DLC for GTA 5 that mentioned an expansion of the North Yanton area, there have been speculations that Brad might have played a bigger role in the story.
However, since Rockstar Games canned the project, we will never find out how the trio met and got together to perform the heist, and why exactly Michael betrayed the team. The DLC might have given further insight into the life of the three friends before the events of GTA 5's intro mission.
In the meantime, check out some of the hilarious GTA 6 fan theories that are floating across the internet.