Fun is a subjective term, but if fans enjoyed GTA Online in the past, then it's likely that they will still enjoy playing the game today.
Of course, if somebody despised GTA Online since the day it came out (or hates the GTA 5 engine in general), then they won't like GTA Online in its modern iteration. That said, there is a reason why so many players still play GTA Online to this day. 2020 was a record year for them in terms of the number of players playing the game, and it doesn't look like GTA Online is slowing down anytime soon.
The main purpose of a video game (from a consumer standpoint) is to entertain its audience. GTA Online excels in this category, especially since there's nearly eight years' worth of content for gamers to play through. It might not be everybody's cup of tea, but there is no denying that many gamers still find the game enjoyable to play in 2021.
Why GTA Online is still fun to play in 2021
GTA Online still has that same good old GTA charm that so many GTA fans love. It's wild, chaotic, and this time, it's done in a multiplayer setting as opposed to the old single-player campaign found in the years before it.
If a player has played GTA Online before, then they should think about why they stopped playing. If it's because of ridiculous over-the-top vehicles like the Oppressor Mk II, then they are unlikely to still enjoy GTA Online in 2021.
However, if a player has never tried GTA Online before, then it is a different subject altogether. It would depend entirely on their gaming background and their personal tastes.
What makes GTA Online fun?
GTA Online is a GTA game with a focus on multiplayer aspects. If people love online multiplayer games and the GTA series, then chances are, they'll enjoy GTA Online for a while.
The heists are some of the most memorable parts of the game, especially since the vast majority of them depend on playing with other, real players to succeed. There is a joy in doing a heist successfully, especially if one had to deal with several incompetent randoms beforehand. There's also races, jobs, and freemode shenanigans to keep one entertained.
As previously mentioned, there are eight years' worth of content for players to mess around with. GTA Online might not get too many frequent major changes, but it gets enough that players often have something to grind for.
One of the best aspects of a multiplayer game is its community. A dead multiplayer game is brutal, as it doesn't matter how good the core gameplay is. If nobody is playing it, then the gamer loses out on the multiplayer aspect. In GTA Online's case, it's still one of the most popular online games around.
The metagame is often stable for several months before a game-changing update is introduced, which some players might enjoy. Other games tend to have far too many updates, which results in the casual playerbase often being left behind and confused with what they should do.