The Criminal Enterprises DLC for GTA Online adds a variety of vehicles and weapons to the game, including the Service Carbine rifle. It is one of the most anticipated weapons released by Rockstar nine years after its tease in the game images.
However, many GTA Online players are still skeptical about the weapon's overall performance because there are several rifles in the same range that compete with the Service Carbine. This article focuses on several aspects of the weapon and analyzes its performance in depth.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.
GTA Online: Is the Service Carbine worth the purchase?
In a nutshell, the Service Carbine is a useful weapon in GTA Online, and players should definitely get hold of one. GhillieMaster, a popular GTA YouTuber, provides a detailed analysis of the weapon.
To begin with, the Service Carbine can kill a player with ten shots directly into the body. All of the other rifles, including the Mk 2 variants, have a similar 10-shot kill range, but the Service Carbine stands out because it has much higher damage per shot (DPS).

The gun also fires at a much faster rate, firing 480 rounds per minute, making it fourth in the list of rifles with the highest fire rate.

When it comes to the amount of time it takes to kill a player (TTK), the Service Carbine has a record of 1.125 seconds. However, gaming lags, internet issues, and hardware performance also affect players' ability to kill others in the game.

In GTA Online, the gun has a one-shot headshot range of up to 79 feet or 24 meters. Going beyond this range will necessitate two headshots to kill someone. Furthermore, 11 body shots are needed to kill an opponent if they are further away than 174 feet or 53 meters.
When using a controller, the auto-aim feature can lock on to enemies from a distance of 213 feet or 65 meters, and the maximum distance to hit a target is 394 feet or 120 meters. The Service Carbine is also very accurate when firing from long range. The bullets do not bloom much while shooting and usually hit the target with proper precision.
Other details and improvements for the Service Carbine
The Service Carbine is a replica of the real-life M16 rifle in GTA Online, with a standard ammo capacity of 30 rounds, that can be increased to 60 rounds with an extended clip. A flashlight, suppressor, grip, and a variety of skins can also be added for performance and visual enhancements. However, there is no option for scope attachment.
The Service Carbine can be purchased for $370,000 from Ammu-Nation Stores or the Agency Armory. It can also be unlocked for free by collecting five gun components from ten different crime scenes scattered around the map. The rifle gets added to the weapon wheel as soon as all the parts are collected.
Overall, the gun has balanced performance stats and fits in well with other rifles. Instead of having high firepower like some rifles, it has improved accuracy and aids players in long-range shooting. It can also be used as a primary weapon in GTA Online, where it excels in survival and deathmatch modes.