GTA Online has many removed vehicles that players cannot buy through Southern San Andreas Super Autos or Legendary Motorsport. Thankfully, there are a few alternative ways to get them still. Such methods require the player to either own a certain property, be on the next-gen port of the game, or just steal a car or bike from the street.
This GTA Online article lists all removed vehicles from Southern San Andreas Super Autos and Legendary Motorsport. The end of this guide mentions some methods to acquire those cars and motorcycles.
List of all removed vehicles in GTA Online

Here is a list of removed vehicles in GTA Online that used to be purchasable from Southern San Andreas Super Autos, with those starting from A to D:
- Asea
- Asterope
- Avarus
- Bagger
- Baller
- Baiti 801RR
- BeeJay XL
- Bison
- Blade
- Blazer
- Bodhi
- Buffalo
- Buffalo S
- Cavalcade
- Cheburek
- Cliffhanger
- Contender
- Daemon
- Dilettante
- Double-T
- Dune Buggy
- Dynasty
Interestingly, some removed vehicles, like the Baller, were revealed in the GTA 6 leaks to be present in the next game. However, that didn't stop them from becoming harder to get in GTA Online.
The following list is for E-I:
- Enduro
- Esskey
- Faggio
- Faggio Mod
- Faggio Sport
- F620
- Fagaloa
- Felon
- Felon GT
- Franken Strange
- FQ2
- Fugitive
- Fusilade
- Futo
- Gauntlet
- Gresley
- Habanero
- Hakuchou
- Hellion
- Hermes
- Hexer
- Hot Rod Blazer
- Ingot
- Injection
- Innovation
- Intruder
- Issi
- Issi Sport
That's plenty of unpurchasable items in the game already, but there are still more removed vehicles to list below.

Here are the unbuyable cars and motorcycles from J-P:
- Jackal
- Jester (Racecar)
- Kalahari
- Landstalker
- Massacro
- Michelli GT
- Minivan
- Nebula Turbo
- Nemesis
- Oracle
- Oracle XS
- Paradise
- Patriot
- PCJ 600
- Pigalle
- Picador
- Penumbra
- Peyote Gasser
- Prairie
- Premier
- Primo
The following list is for R-S:
- Radius
- Ranger
- Rat Bike
- Rat-Loader
- Rebel
- Regina
- Retinue
- Riata
- Rocoto
- Ruffian
- Rusty Rebel
- Ruiner
- Romero
- Sanchez
- Sandking SWB
- Schafter
- Schwartzer
- Seminole
- Seminole Frontier
- Sentinel
- Serrano
- Sovereign
- Stanier
- Stratum
- Streiter
- Surge

Finally, here is the T-Z selection from Southern San Andreas Super Autos:
- Tailgater
- Tornado
- Rat-Rod
- Tulip
- Vader
- Vamos
- Vigero
- Warrener
- Washington
- Wolfsbane
- Zion
- Zion Cabrio
- Zion Classic
- Zombie Bobber
That's over 100 removed vehicles from just Southern San Andreas Super Autos alone. Sadly, Legendary Motorsport also got rid of some of its selections in GTA Online.

Here is what Legendary Motorsport removed from their lineup from 1 to F:
- 190Z
- 811
- 9F
- 9F Cabrio
- Alpha
- Baller LE LWB
- Baller LE LWB (Armored)
- Brawler
- Bullet
- Carbonizzare
- Cheetah
- Cognoscenti
- Cognoscenti (Armored)
- Cognoscenti 55
- Cognoscenti 55 (Armored)
- Cognoscenti Cabrio
- Comet
- Comet SR
- Coquette
- Coquette BlackFin
- Cyclone
- Deviant
- Entity XF
- ETR1
- Exemplar
- Feltzer
- Furore GT
The following list is for G-R:
- GP1
- GT500
- Hustler
- Imorgon
- Infernus
- JB700
- Locust
- Lynx
- Neo
- Paragon R
- Raiden
- Rapid GT
- Rapid GT Classic
- RE-7B
- Revolter
- Roosevelt
- Roosevelt Valor
- Ruston

Finally, here is the removed selection from S-Z:
- S80RR
- Savestra
- SC1
- Schafter LWB
- Schafter LWB (Armored)
- Seven-70
- Stafford
- Stinger
- Stinger GT
- Stirling GT
- Super Diamond
- Surano
- Swinger
- Tigon
- Torero
- Tyrus
- Vacca
- Voltic
- Viseris
- XA-21
- XLS (Armored)
- Z-Type
- Zorruso
Warstock Cache & Carry also no longer sells:
- Lifeguard (SUV)
- Blazer Lifeguard
Benny's does not sell Comets anymore.
How to get removed vehicles in GTA Online

As terrible as the recent news is, there are some ways to get the above cars and motorcycles again, such as:
- Buying them from a client in an Auto Shop (only a few cars are eligible).
- Buying them from a client in a Clubhouse (only a few bikes are eligible).
- Purchasing one from Simeon or the Luxury Autos on an event week (depending on the week).
- Buying one from the Vinewood Car Club (requires GTA+, and not everything will be available).
- Purchasing it from another player in the LS Car Meet (only in the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S).
- Stealing them from the street (only cheap cars and motorcycles apply here).
Here are the cars you may randomly get from a client in the Auto Shop that are not traditionally obtainable otherwise:
- Comet
- Coquette Blackfin
- Dynasty
- Fagaloa
- Futo
- Hermes
- Nebula Turbo
- Neo
- Paragon R
- Primo Custom
- Raiden
- Riata
- SC1
- Seminole Frontier
- Swinger
- Warrener
Note that the Auto Shop and Clubhouse will have a random vehicle available for a client job when the game brings one into those properties.

This list is for motorcycles you can buy from a client in the Club House:
- Avarus
- Daemon
- Esskey
- Faggio Mod
- Wolfsbane
r/GTACarMeetMarket is a subreddit for players seeking to buy removed vehicles they normally couldn't get otherwise in the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S ports. If you're low on cash, try doing some GTA Online money glitches, Sell Missions, or heists.