GTA Online has several secret weapons that are bound to slip unnoticed by some players. The main reason for this is that they're either not available through Ammu-Nation at all, or they are available at that store, but only for a limited time.
Here is a list of secret weapons:
- Baseball Bat
- Combat Shotgun
- Crowbar
- Double-Action Revolver
- Firework Launcher
- Hazardous Jerry Can
- Golf Club
- Molotovs
- Musket
- Navy Revolver
- Perico Pistol
- Service Carbine
- Snowball
- Stone Hatchet
Not all of them are worth using per se, but some GTA Online fans would still like to add them to their collection. This guide will let those types of players know how they can get them, along with any caveats associated with doing so.
All Secret Weapons in GTA Online
Baseball Bat
This classic melee weapon is strangely only available in select locations. The most prominent example of a spawn is in the ULSA Sports Field in Richman, near the track field. It should be floating above a base surrounded by a small cage.
Combat Shotgun
The Combat Shotgun can be purchased at Ammu-Nation, but only if the player finds it first. To unlock it in GTA Online, gamers must do The Cayo Perico Heist Finale and pick up the Combat Shotgun from one of its random spawn locations.
This melee weapon can only be found in select spots on the map and cannot be purchased. One can easily find it in the Judging the Jury (Martin) mission. The juror at the dock has a crowbar, so take him out to get it.
Double-Action Revolver
All new GTA Online players should get a text regarding a Treasure Hunt Challenge. As the name implies, gamers must go on a treasure hunt to reach several locations before they can finally head to the last spot to dig up the Double-Action Revolver.
Firework Launcher and Musket
Both the Firework Launcher and the Musket are available at Ammu-Nation, but only around Independence Day (the event week with July 4 in it). Players looking for these two guns outside this event won't be able to find them.
Hazardous Jerry Can

This weapon is normally only seen in the heist prep mission, Maintenance Gear Part 2. The main reason it's listed here is that one used to be able to keep this weapon outside of missions, but that's no longer possible due to several patches.
That's not a big loss for most players, considering it's basically a Jerry Can that can't ignite.
Golf Club
Unsurprisingly, Golf Clubs are available at the Los Santos Golf Club in GTA Online. Several of the pedestrians there use Golf Clubs for sport, so just scare them off or eliminate them to acquire it. There are other ways to get it, but this method is the easiest.

The first throwable weapon on this list is a Molotov. There are several ways to get them, but the easiest way is to call Merryweather and request an Ammo Drop for $1000. Alternatively, one can find them in several locations on the map, including the dining area in the Kosatka.
Navy Revolver
The Navy Revolver is tied to an event where GTA Online players must find five clues. After that, they must eliminate the Los Santos Slasher. Getting rid of him gives gamers this gun and $50,000.
This gun cannot be customized, limiting its overall usefulness for most GTA Online players.
Perico Pistol
There is a random event in GTA Online known as Sleeping Guard. The gist of it is that one of El Rubio's guards is randomly sleeping somewhere, and players can loot a key off of him. Once they get that key, they can open a little box on a desk in El Rubio's office to obtain the Perico Pistol.
Service Carbine
The most recent secret gun added to GTA Online is the Service Carbine. It is obtainable by collecting five components scattered across ten crime scene locations. This random event takes at least 20 minutes to spawn in a session.
This joke weapon is only available when it snows in GTA Online. Players can pick it up on any ground where snow is visible and then choose to throw it at somebody for minor damage.
Stone Hatchet
Players must complete five Bounty Target missions from Maude to get some coordinates to the secret weapon's location. It possesses a unique ability known as Rampage. This ability effectively reduces incoming damage, giving it a noticeable niche over other melee weapons in GTA Online.
That's the entire list of secret weapons in the game (at least, as of September 13, 2022). Some of them are available for players to do right now, while others require the them to wait for a specific time of the year in the real world.