All Easter eggs seemingly found in GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC

GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC
Easter eggs found in the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC (Image via Rockstar Games)

Fans believe the recently released GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC has many Easter eggs from the Grand Theft Auto series. Immediately after the release of the update on PC, data miners began digging through the game files and discovered many upcoming gameplay features. In the meantime, many eagle-eyed fans noticed that the DLC is full of parodies, Easter eggs, and references to iconic things related to the series.

While a majority of the player base believes the hypothesis, Rockstar Games has yet to confirm it.

Fans found various Easter eggs in the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC

On June 29, 2024, a popular data miner named Detective (X/@that1detectiv3) shared a post disclosing various leaks from the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC, and how some of them refer to iconic things in the series.

According to them, the currently unreleased 'Pizza This... mission' is a reference to the Pizza Boy side mission from GTA Vice City. Rockstar is also planning to release a new GTA Online side mission where players will have to spray tags around various places on the map. Detective stated that this was a reference to the spray mission in GTA San Andreas where Carl “CJ” Johnson had to paint 100 tags.

Similarly, Chaz Lieberman, who is one of the most wanted targets from the Bounty Hunting missions in GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC, is believed to be a parody of real-life Joe Lieberman. The latter was an American politician who criticized the GTA series in 2004.


According to Detective, the following are some other Easter eggs that Rockstar included in the GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC:

  • Bounty target Lil Prince is a reference to the guy running from the cops in the first GTA 5 trailer.
  • The computer inside the Bail Office uses wallpaper from RDR 2.
  • Michael De Santa’s teasing name has been used as a movie name.
  • The Dispatch Work missions are inspired by Vigilante Missions.

The Bottom Dollar Bounties update has yet to reveal many more. We can expect to see more references in the future.

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