Ned Luke, the actor of GTA 5 protagonist Michael De Santa, has called out AI company WAME for creating a chatbot that uses his voice. The actor displayed his anger at the incident by tweeting about it on his official X account and also expressed concern over this possibly leading to a major problem in the future. AI technology has been on the rise for some time now, and while its capabilities are quite intriguing, it can also be dangerous in the wrong hands.
Comments on Ned Luke's tweet agreed with the actor and offered support. Ned has maintained a healthy rapport with Grand Theft Auto fans by communicating with them regularly thorugh social media.
GTA 5 Michael actor Ned Luke fumes over an AI chatbot using his voice
WAME (X account @wamexyz) created an AI chatbot that used GTA 5 actor Ned Luke's voice, but this didn't sit right with the latter. As can be seen in the X post above, the actor is furious over the incident and has slammed the chatbot's creator for the same.
In response to Ned Luke's tweet, WAME issued a statement on its website expressing profound understanding and concern, and the X post promoting the AI chatbot in question has now been removed.
Roger Clark, the actor of Red Dead Redemption 2's protagonist Arthur Morgan, also commented on Ned Luke's post, offering support and stating that AI could never replace the real Michael (De Santa).
However, the popular Grand Theft Auto 5 actor replied that he's not worried about being replaced. Instead, he is concerned about how others copying their voices using AI could possibly affect their work in the future.
Other users also offered their support to Ned Luke, expressing their own concerns regarding the possible misuses of AI technology.
WAME might have removed the X post promoting the chatbot that copied Ned Luke's voice, but there are many others who could use this technology in a similar way.
For instance, Lucia's actor from the GTA 6 trailer hasn't been officially revealed yet; however, the recent prevalence of AI has shown that copying a voice isn't complicated for those familiar with such tools. Therefore, fans of the franchise want strict rules to be put in place to ensure the fair use of AI chatbots on all kinds of platforms.