GTA 5 actor Ned Luke is once again in the limelight due to one of his latest social media posts. In an X post made on November 11, 2023, this iconic voice actor teased a Michael DLC for GTA Online by reacting to a fan’s post on the platform. Gaming Detective, a well-known reporter in the community, had expressed that Rockstar Games should release a specific update dedicated to the character before starting Grand Theft Auto 6's marketing.
To the surprise of many, Ned Luke responded to this post, sparking the conversation of a potential Michael DLC for the current game.
Ned Luke once again teases GTA 5 Michael DLC update for the online multiplayer
As can be seen in the X post above, Ned Luke reacted to the Gaming Detective’s post, saying:
“Wouldn’t that be nice?”
Fans went crazy after seeing such a cryptic post from GTA 5’s Michael De Santa actor and shared their excitement on X about a possible DLC update in Grand Theft Auto Online.
This is not the first time Ned Luke has teased a Michael DLC for GTA Online. A couple of days ago, on November 8, 2023, the actor replied to an X post of a fan who had asked if the character was coming to the game:
“It’s a mystery.”
The actor has been very active on the social media platform lately, engaging with fans while teasing the idea of a Michael DLC for Grand Theft Auto Online. However, this could also mean involvement in the next Grand Theft Auto title, as Rockstar Games has now officially announced the game.
On an X post of November 8, 2023, the developers informed fans about the upcoming Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer in early December 2023. While gamers would love to have Michael DLC for the current online title, a cameo appearance in the next game would also be exciting.
Fans should take all of this information pertaining to a De Santa DLC with a grain of salt until it is confirmed by Rockstar Games or Ned Luke.