Rockstar Games recently added a new Adversary Mode to GTA Online called Assault on ATT-16. It is a lengthy multiplayer team competition featuring stages in air, land, as well as sea. Despite being fun overall, there had been reports of an infinite Orbital Cannon glitch that Rockstar Games has now reportedly patched, according to reputed insider and data miner Tez2.
Tez2 claioms the Orbital Cannon Station in the Assault on ATT-16 Adversary Mode will now become out of bounds following the completion of each stage.
Note: This article is based on insider updates. Readers are advised to take the information herein with a grain of salt.
GTA Online Assault on ATT-16 Orbital Cannon glitch reportedly patched according to insider
Rockstar Games regularly patches GTA Online glitches and bugs using background updates, and the latest one seems to have patched one related to the new Assault on ATT-16 Adversary Mode.
The glitch in question apparently let players use the Orbital Cannon without any cooldown. However, Tez2 reports that the Orbital Cannon Station will now be disabled after each stage is completed in the new Adversary Mode, effectively rendering it an out-of-bounds area.
Data miner @PLTytus also reported that the Orbital Cannon glitch had been patched, stating that players would have to leave the area if near "it" (likely the Station) in the next stage.
If this patch works effectively, the Adversary Mode should become fair for all participants. It is lengthy but fun to play and even pays quite well. So, those bored of grinding the same heists and missions can give it a try. For those wondering, it can be accessed from the pause menu's Adversary Modes playlist.
Interestingly, Rockstar Games reportedly tweaked GTA Online Assault on ATT-16 after the latest weekly update. According to Tez2, the snow and Halloween weather options have been removed, Attacker spawn locations for the Cargobob have been adjusted, and the rotation of two P-45 Nokota Aircraft Carrier spawn locations has been fixed.
The fanbase isn't very happy with some of these changes, especially the removal of the weather options.
Nevertheless, Assault on ATT-16's core gameplay remains the same, now with the glitch reportedly patched, which should still keep it entertaining for the most part. Taking advantage of GTA Online weekly update bonuses shall keep players busy.