Unlocking the free Atomic Racing livery for the Walton L35 in GTA Online requires players to do two completely different activities. The order in which you complete both missions is insignificant. All that matters is that you complete a Clubhouse Contract and a Biker Business Resupply Mission anytime between August 24, 2023, and September 6, 2023.
This reward will automatically be delivered to a player's account within ten days of completion. Note that it doesn't matter which Clubhouse Contract and Biker Business Resupply Mission you do.
As long as you complete any job in those two categories, you will unlock the previously unreleased Atomic Racing livery for the Walton L35.
Here is how you can unlock the free Atomic Racing livery for the Walton L35 in GTA Online before September 6
The above Rockstar Newswire article about the latest GTA Online weekly update mentions:
"In addition to picking up the Ride or Die Tee for completing an MC Sell Mission this week, take on a Biker Business Resupply Mission and a Clubhouse Contract before September 6 to receive the Atomic Racing livery for the Declasse Walton L35 (Off-Road) within 10 days of completion."
That means players have two freebies they can get from their MC Businesses this week. This guide will focus more on the Atomic Racing livery. Obviously, you must own a Clubhouse and any of the five Biker Businesses. In case you don't know which one to get, the Cocaine Lockup is recommended since it pays the most.
How to complete a Clubhouse Contract?

Inside your Clubhouse is a board where three random missions can be accomplished. Complete any of the following to be half done with the unlock requirements for the Walton L35's free Atomic Racing livery:
- By the Pound
- Cracked
- Fragile Goods
- Guns for Hire
- Gunrunning
- Hit the Roof
- Jailbreak
- Life and Deathbikes
- Nine Tenths of the Law
- Outrider
- P.O.W.
- Torched
- Weapon of Choice
Most of them are solo-able. This is convenient since you can pick which of the three randomly generated Clubhouse Contracts you want to do.
How to do a Biker Business Resupply Mission?
The final requirement for the free Walton L35 Atomic Racing livery involves doing a Biker Business Resupply Mission. These are the applicable Biker Businesses:
- Cocaine Lockup
- Counterfeit Cash Factory
- Document Forgery Office
- Meth Lab
- Weed Farm
The above video shows an example of a Resupply Mission for the Cocaine Lockup, but GTA Online players can opt to do one for the other businesses if they desire. If you do one of those missions plus the Clubhouse Contract, you will receive the free Atomic Racing livery for the Walton L35 within ten days of completion, so long as you do it before the end of September 6, 2023.