GTA 6 fans on the r/GTA6 subreddit are discussing racetracks in the upcoming game after spotting the commentator icons for the latest F1 race in Miami. Here's the post by Redditor u/tylercreatesworlds that kicked off this discourse:
As seen in the embed, OP believes the F1 live commentary is using a very Grand Theft Auto-themed artwork. Even the icon for the commentator, Sam Collins, seems to blend in with a GTA 6 poster.
u/ZealousTaxful replied to the post, saying they want GTA 6 to feature an actual racetrack, stating that the horse track in Grand Theft Auto 5 didn't meet the expectations.
Another Redditor u/schweppestr pointed out that the upcoming game might indeed have a proper racetrack. According to the GTA 6 mapping project — a community-based undertaking that's trying to learn more about the Grand Theft Auto 6 map —the next game has a racetrack in Port Gellhorn. This is expected to be the second-largest city in the game, located on the western side of the map.
User u/spyroz545 revealed another interesting detail that GTA 6 fans have uncovered from the GTA 6 leaked footage. The game apparently features someone named Wyman, for whom Jason can collect different car parts. From this detail, the Redditor hypothesized that players might be able to participate in illegal races.

Adding to this, u/ZephyrDoesArts wrote about a possible upgrade to Hotring Races from GTA Online. They suggested that Rockstar could take inspiration from the 3D era races, or the Arena War races from Grand Theft Auto Online, with the game already featuring Open Wheel Races. On another note, Rockstar is currently providing 3x bonuses on Open Wheel Races.

Some fans, on the other hand, claimed that the alleged GTA 6 reference in F1 is nothing to be excited about. They believe it's most likely deliberate, but nothing official. As in, it wasn't made in partnership with Rockstar.

GTA 6 map might have a racetrack
As mentioned above, the Grand Theft Auto 6 mapping project has uncovered several details about the map, one of these being a racetrack in Port Gellhorn. The racetrack might be based on the Sebring International Raceway in Florida. Note that most of these details are based on speculations.
The mapping community has so far deduced a lot of locations on the Leonida map, mostly from the leaked footage and the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer. Meanwhile, fans have been busy clamoring for GTA VI trailer 2 and took to the Internet to voice their demand.