According to reports, Rockstar has confirmed that the player count in GTA Online sessions will remain the same in the next-gen console version. That is, just like the last-gen and PC versions, there will be 30 players and 2 spectator slots in every session.
The confusion related to player size arose when the Xbox Store listings for the game was revealed.
GTA Online on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S to have the same amount of players as before
When the Expanded and Enhanced Edition was first listed on the Xbox Store, the description stated that 32 players would be able to engage in a single online session. As a result, many gamers ended up assuming that the player limit had been raised in the new edition. However, neither was the information wrong, nor was the player limit raised.
32 players means that there will be 30 active players and two spectators in a session. This is no different from the current GTA Online Enhanced Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to video game journalist Cade Onder (@Cade_Onder), Rockstar has confirmed to him that there will indeed be no change.
Fans react to the news
Fans have since had different points to say about this. According to some, this is evidence of how little effort Rockstar put into this new version of GTA 5. They have stated that the differences between the last-gen and the next-gen editions of the game are insignificant. As such, they believe that this upgrade should be entirely free.
Meanwhile, others have been pointing out how increasing the player limit would have been a bad idea. Grand Theft Auto Online is extremely notorious for griefing, and the more populated a lobby is, the more chances of this happening arise. Additionally, most players are concentrated around Los Santos, which makes the place extremely chaotic.
Hence, according to them, increasing the number of players would make it even more chaotic.