God Mode glitches have always plagued GTA Online for years now, but the newest method is even easier to execute than before. The Taxi Work update introduced a new way to do it. Here is a simple explanation of that method:
- Go to the Downtown Cab Co.'s white mission marker.
- Accept the mission and hold down the exit vehicle button.
- You should see your character spawn underneath the map, meaning the exploit was done correctly.
- The God Mode glitch will be active when your character appears on the ground again.
There are no prerequisites to do this exploit, meaning that even a new player can do it as soon as they start the game.
GTA Online God Mode glitches are still running rampant since the Taxi Work update
It doesn't matter what platform the player uses since anybody on any console can easily execute the newest God Mode glitch. These types of bugs have always been around, but they usually fall under at least one of these categories:
- Harder to do
- Require the player to own something specific
- Don't go viral
Unfortunately, for players who hate these types of exploits, the latest Taxi Work update introduced a variation that is way too easy to do. Naturally, some GTA Online players have started to complain about other gamers abusing this bug.
Why are God Mode glitches so prevalent within the community?

Newer GTA Online players may not know why this exploit is dominating lobbies. Here are some very simple explanations as to why some gamers love to do this bug:
- It grants them invincibility against everything.
- You can grief other players, and they can't do much against you unless they know the counter-exploits.
- Freemode missions become a breeze when NPCs can't hurt you.
It is perhaps one of the most useful glitches of all time. The main problem associated with it is that an unkillable griefer is bound to ruin a player's day. Not everybody knows how to do this bug, let alone counter it.
The most popular way to remove a person's God Mode glitch is to start the Headhunter mission in a tank and run them over. However, one can counter that by not getting run over by another person's vehicle or by starting a different Freemode job like Hostile Takeover.
Demonstration of the exploit's benefits in GTA ONline
If a player doesn't do a different bug that removes another person's God Mode glitch, then that bug abuser will be invincible. Anybody who doesn't do the exploit is easy fodder for those who do. Rockstar Games is expected to patch it out in the upcoming weeks, but they haven't officially commented on it.
It is also worth mentioning that even if Rockstar Games opts to remove this particular exploit, a new one is bound to pop up later. Hundreds of God Mode glitches have been patched in GTA Online over the years, and more will continue to appear due to how easily exploitable the game is.
That also means that this bug will continue to be prevalent in the game, especially when the new variations are easy to do.