Renowned actor Steven Ogg, who voiced GTA 5's Trevor, recently discussed the canceled GTA 5 Agent Trevor DLC. Fans found out about several canceled story mode DLCs with a source code leak in December 2023, and they've been quite dejected about it since then.
In a recent YouTube interview involving all three of the Grand Theft Auto 5 protagonists' voice actors, Ogg talked about the canceled GTA 5 Agent Trevor DLC, for which some scenes seemed to have already been shot.
Here's what he revealed in the interview.
Steven Ogg discusses canceled GTA 5 Agent Trevor DLC
On April 12, 2024, an interview was hosted by Streamily featuring GTA 5 voice actors Ned Luke, Steven Ogg, and Shawn Fonteno, known for playing the protagonists Michael, Trevor, and Franklin, respectively. They answered various questions regarding the development of Grand Theft Auto 5, revealing some interesting tidbits.
One exciting detail fans uncovered is where Steven Ogg talks about the canceled GTA 5 Agent Trevor DLC, disclosed earlier by the GTA 5 source code leaks. Ogg talks about how he thought it would be cool if each of the three Grand Theft Auto 5 protagonists were to have an individual DLC. Ned Luke agreed and gave the example of GTA 4's Episodes from Liberty City expansions.
Steven Ogg then continued, revealing some details about what seems like the canceled GTA 5 Agent Trevor DLC:
"We also had that really cool s**t of, and I forget if it was DLC, I have no idea, but where Trevor was gonna be like undercover; he works for the feds. We did shoot some of that stuff with like, James Bond Trevor. He's still kind of a f***-up, but he's doing his best to pretend to be like...and it was, we shot some stuff, and then it just disappeared and never did it, and they never followed up on it."
Luke then responded with what we've learned from the source code leaks: the canceled DLC was repurposed for GTA Online. This storyline ended up being modified into the plot for The Doomsday Heist. In the same interview, Steven Ogg and Ned Luke also expressed disappointment about the GTA 5 behind-the-scenes documentary getting canceled.
This was something that Rockstar had shot while making the game, and the actors were told that it would be released after the game came out. However, this never happened, for reasons only known to Rockstar and Take-Two.
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