It has been over ten days since the GTA Online PC exploit was discovered, with the situation continuing to make headlines in the gaming community. Although Rockstar Games, through its official technical support page Rockstar Support, assured players of "an upcoming planned security-related Title Update" on January 24, 2023, the gaming studio has yet to take any practical action against these exploits.
However, game data miners continue to delve into the mechanisms of the exploits and have discovered many disturbing facts about their nature. The exploits were recently tested on the National Vulnerability Database website, a US Government initiative, and the risk was discovered to be higher than expected.
GTA Online PC exploits continue to pose a "High" risk to players
On February 1, 2023, PLTytus, a well-known Rockstar Games data miner, tweeted about the severity ratings of Grand Theft Auto Online's remote code execution exploits on PC:
“Exploit has been evaluated as High.”
As proof, PLTytus shared two screenshots from the National Vulnerability Database website, which show the ratings of the hacks and mods used by the exploiters. Based on the image shown below, the remote code execution exploits received a "High" rating of 7.3 with a red mark.

The website itself described the exploit as:
“Grand Theft Auto V for PC allows attackers to achieve partial remote code execution or modify files on a PC, as exploited in the wild in January 2023.”
In the second image, the user explained how the NVD vulnerability severity ratings are calculated. Essentially, the website tests for vulnerabilities using two scoring methods - CVSS v2.0 and CVSS v3.0.
Looking at the overall score, both of these have different levels of rating. However, GTA Online's recent PC exploits issue, with a score of 7.3, fell into the high-risk category in both methods.

Concerned players respond to PLYytus' tweet
Several players reacted to the news and expressed their opinions. A user, named Salvo88, asked if Rockstar Games would shut down GTA Online's PC servers after the risk rating was found to be high.
In response, Mors Mutual Insurance, a popular parody GTA YouTuber, stated that the gaming studio has no intentions of doing so.
Another user, Pan Qrix, stated that Rockstar Games doesn't care about its PC player base.
What are the severity ratings?
Severity ratings are guides or markers that help common technology or software users understand the level of any security issues with the software or program they are using on their devices.
Users can get a general idea of how complicated or risky a potential threat is by looking at the severity ratings.