MC Businesses are most players' first introduction to businesses in GTA Online. Even in 2021, they are still one of the best places to start a criminal empire in the game. Having said that, some businesses are clearly more profitable than others.
There are a total of 5 different MC Businesses in GTA Online, and players can set them using their laptop inside the Clubhouse. Players can choose how to run their business, whether it is selling remotely or buying up businesses in rural areas.
Factors such as location and buying/stealing supplies affect the profitability of each MC Business in GTA Online. It usually takes upwards of 10-15 hours for players to start breaking even before they can think of making a profit.
MC Businesses in GTA Online: Ranking them from least profitable to most profitable
#5 Document Forgery
Perhaps no other business in GTA Online gets dunked on as much as Document Forgery. For many players, this was their first business in the game, which is why it holds a special nostalgic charm for them.
Objectively, it is the least profitable MC Business in GTA Online and is often a colossal waste of time when compared to other businesses in the game.
#4 Weed Farm
The Weed Farm is a decent source of cash in GTA Online, but it is kind of imperative for players to buy up all upgrades in order for it to be profitable. However, dropping more cash only makes it more difficult to break even.
In comparison, players can start turning a profit way faster with the Meth Lab or the Cocaine Lockup. As cool as it is to own a Weed Farm in GTA Online, it sadly does not pay much.
Travel times are often the biggest factor when it comes to turning profits on an hourly basis.
#3 Counterfeit Cash Factory
Many players feel that the Counterfeit Cash Factory is one of the only 3 MC Businesses worth investing in. Like all MC Businesses in GTA Online, location, upgrades and the choice to steal or buy supplies make a whole lot of difference.
Players have claimed that the business has made them about $27,000 per hour. That profit could potentially go up a little should the player decide to steal supplies. However, one should also consider the time it takes to steal supplies, which reduces the profits per hour.
#2 Meth Lab
The Meth Lab is one of the best businesses in GTA Online because of how easy it is to run once the setup is complete. It makes complete sense for players to fully upgrade the Meth Lab once it is up and running, as it quite quickly breaks even.
The major factor when it comes to profits is whether the player chooses to buy up the lab in Los Santos or Blaine County. If the players choose the latter, they are going to be traveling an awful lot just to break even, which eats into the profit per hour.
#1 Cocaine Lockup
A fully upgraded Cocaine Lockup is about the most profitable business in GTA Online. Beefing up security is a must, and selling close-by can ensure that the player isn't wasting much time unloading their product.
The total sale price eclipses the cost of buying supplies, which often means that players can make huge profits in a shorter span of time.
The Cocaine Lockup is easily one of the most profitable businesses in GTA Online and an absolute must-have for budding kingpins.