The September 18, 2022 mega-leak for GTA 6 showed several vehicles from previous games returning. This article will summarize everything that has been discovered thus far on this topic as compiled by astute gamers. Note that anything seen in a game's beta version is always subject to change. That means the vehicles shown below could end up getting cut.
No video leaks or screenshots can be featured in this article for legal reasons, but gamers can easily find backups of the clips online. It is also worth mentioning that all GTA 6 vehicles listed below are the ones that players have discovered and documented. There will likely be far more than what's featured here.
GTA 6 leaks: All supposed vehicles discovered thus far

Here is a list of vehicles that were shown in the GTA 6 video leaks:
- Albany Alpha
- Albany Emperor
- Albany Primo
- Annis Hellion
- Benefactor Schafter LWB
- Bravado Bison
- Bravado Feroci
- Bravado Gauntlet Classic
- Bravado Rumpo Custom
- Bravado Youga
- Bravado Youga Classic
- Brute Boxville
- Brute Camper
- Canis Seminole Frontier
- Declasse Burrito
- Declasse Granger
- Declasse Moonbeam
- Declasse Sabre Turbo
- Declasse Sheriff SUV
- Declasse Tornado
- Dinka Blista Compact
- Dundreary Regina
- Gallivanter Baller
- HVY Mixer
- Imponte DF8-90
- Karin Futo
- Karin Rebel
- Karin Sultan
- Lampadati Novak
- Maibatsu Mule
- Maibatsu Sanchez
- Nagasaki Street Blazer
- Ocelot Locust
- Pegassi Toros
- Vapid Benson
- Vapid Bobcat XL
- Vapid Contender
- Vapid Minivan
- Vapid Police Cruiser
- Vapid Sadler
- Vapid Slamvan
- Vapid Speedo
- Vapid Stanier
- Vulcar Ingot
Remember that these vehicles are only what have come from past games like Grand Theft Auto 5. There are 18 other cars discovered thus far, but they appear to be entirely new. For example, the protagonists were seen driving something like a Ford Ranchero from the 1970s. The video leaks did not reveal the names of these new rides, so gamers can only wait until further news arrives.
Related GTA 6 leaks

Some of the leaked videos show impressive attention to detail. For example, two clips showed how several parts of a car's interior can be moved. This content included:
- Armrest
- Brake Pedal
- Clutch
- Gas Pedal
- Glove Box
- Three different mirrors
- Parking Brake
- Steering Wheel
- Sun Visor
At the very least, this suggests that a vehicle's interior will be dynamic. It's currently unknown what the full level of customization will be in the next Grand Theft Auto game.

Another related leak shows that the Vice City Metro is in the game. If it works like other metro systems in past Grand Theft Auto games, players could use this feature to get around the large map quickly. Unfortunately, the metro was not shown moving in the video leaks.
The final car-related leak worth discussing is that Stunt Jumps appear to be returning. There was a clip of a player trying to jump off a ramp on a freeway into a TV billboard, only to fail spectacularly. It is unknown if there are any rewards for this content in GTA 6.