For some players, making money in GTA Online is a daunting task. Despite spending hours in-game, they barely make any money, and buying anything causes them to break the bank.
While veteran players have it all figured out, newcomers and beginners to the franchise are still stumbling around in the dark looking for dollars. To be candid, making money in GTA Online is not hard, it's just confusing.
Top 5 best businesses to own in GTA Online
5) Export and import of vehicles
GTA stands for "Grand Theft Auto", which refers to the action of taking someone's car without permission and probably never returning it. Given the history behind the franchise and its origins, it's no coincidence that exporting and importing cars is a lucrative business in GTA Online.
Now to be clear, starting this business won't be cheap. Players will have to heavily invest, but the good news is that once the business is running like clockwork, players can rake in a lot of money per hour.
4) Nightclubs
Once again going back to the roots of the franchise, much like in GTA Vice City, owning clubs in GTA Online is a sure shot way to make oodles of money. However, it wouldn't be a GTA game without players being able to make a little extra on the sidelines as well.
Staying true to the core of the game, the nightclub itself is more of a front in some ways. The real business happens in an underground warehouse that can be upgraded to fulfill different roles.
3) Air Freight
While GTA Online won't offer the same flying experience as a proper flight simulator would, it's one of the best ways to make that money roll in-game. However, much like other businesses, there is a catch.
To get started minting money this way, players will first have to invest over $1,000,000 (yeah, that's a lot of zeros). While that amount is pocket change for older players, it's a lot of money for beginners.
2) Special cargo deliveries
Doing special cargo deliveries is the simplest method to make money from active income in-game. Although it takes a bit to get started with the entire process, players can buy a warehouse for as little as $250,000.
Additionally, players can buy more than one warehouse, allowing them to essentially jump from one mission to the next, without having to deal with the waiting time between missions.
1) Arcades
While arcades are a great way to generate passive income, the business is more of a prerequisite needed for players to start the casino heist. Nonetheless, for those who love old-school games, this business does provide a fairly decent amount of money.
However, that being said, players should only buy this when they're ready for the heist, or have money lying about. Additionally, those who buy it before being prepared for the heist should abstain from upgrading it.
Also Read: How to make a private session in GTA Online: A beginner’s guide