GTA Online functions because it provides players with enough opportunities to make money and provides them with even more ways to spend it. Usually, it means purchasing powerful vehicles or swanky clothes, but more often than not, it usually means a bigger gun.
GTA Online players love nothing more than to own the biggest, baddest gun in the yard, often leading to players buying expensive guns.
While expensive doesn't always mean it's better, sometimes players might want to own the game's most pricey weapons.
If pure excess is one's game in GTA Online, they need not look any further than the following weapons.
Top 5 most expensive weapons in GTA Online in 2021
5) Military Rifle
Price: $397,5000
The Military Rifle is the epitome of balance in GTA Online, with pinpoint precision, steady rate of fire, and a decent level of damage. The gun doesn't quite justify its massive asking price as it is easily eclipsed in a big way by much cheaper guns such as the Special Carbine.
Admittedly, the gun is not bad. But for the nearly $400,000, it seems like quite a big ask. It isn't the best gun in its class, but it's definitely amongst the best ones.
4) Up-n-Atomizer
Price: $399,000
The Up-n-Atomizer is both a fun weapon to use and one that can also come in handy quite often in GTA Online. As players will be battling Oppressor MKIIs and other griefers in the game, the Up-n-Atomizer will ensure that the player always has the upper hand.
The gun does not need to be reloaded as it doesn't use ammunition. Instead, there is a short cooldown period after each shot. Players can use this weapon to flip over cars and knock players off their perch in GTA Online.
3) Unholy Hellbringer
Price: $449,000
The Unholy Hellbringer is perhaps the most menacing-looking weapon in GTA Online and lives up to its appearance and name with its performance.
The Light Machine Gun is an absolute force of nature, shredding everything in its sight with extreme prejudice and leaving behind a trail of bodies and destruction.
The Unholy Hellbringer might be a tad bit pricey, but it is far from an essential purchase in GTA Online. The gun is more of a novelty purchase reserved for the endgame.
2) Widowmaker
Price: $449,000
The Widowmaker, unlike the Minigun, has only four barrels instead of the usual six. But that doesn't make much of a difference, as the gun is still a pretty gnarly weapon that can blow things to smithereens in GTA Online.
With its terribly high fire rate and decent damage, the Widowmaker is the perfect spray-and-pray type of weapon in GTA Online. However, the gun might pale compared to the standard Minigun, which makes its price look a bit unjustified.
1) Orbital Cannon
Price $900,000
- $500,000 per Manual Shot
- $750,000 per Automatic Shot
The Orbital Cannon is essentially a satellite-guided explosive weapon that players can launch from within the comfort of their Facility.
It is easily the most powerful weapon in the game, and that makes a gigantic hole in the player's Maze Bank Account with each shot in GTA Online.
If players have the money to spare, they can very well choose to use the Orbital Cannon for hours on end. But hopefully not griefing.