GTA 6 may not arrive for a while, but fans are still hoping to see features from past games in the series.
Grand Theft Auto is a series full of amazing features that have surprisingly remained absent in later titles. While GTA 6 has no set date, fans are still theory-crafting which past features could return in what could be Rockstar Games' magnum opus.
Naturally, there are many minor features worth noting, such as various side-missions (pizza delivery, burglary, etc.), but this article will primarily focus on general features that are broader. Whether or not GTA 6 will incorporate these features remains to be seen, but fans still have high hopes to see them return.
More customization is needed in GTA 6
#5 - San Andreas customization

San Andreas is still a beloved title for its plethora of customization options. While modern GTA games possess distinct clothing and hair options, there is a noticeable lack of other customization options (such as martial arts styles).
For example, players cannot get fat, muscular, or skinny based on how much food they eat. Players can also own just six safehouses in GTA Online instead of the 37 safehouses in San Andreas. The GTA 5 base game is even more limited in this regard, so it would be interesting to see more safehouses scattered around the larger maps.
#4 - The Vice City map

Technically, maps are a core element of a game's features. Unsurprisingly, many fans have been hoping that Vice City will heavily inspire GTA 6's map in the same vein that GTA 5's map had several similarities to GTA San Andreas.
Likewise, Liberty City has appeared in several games like GTA III, IV, and the related expansion packs of GTA 4. Considering it's been over a decade since fans have seen Vice City, it's no surprise to see fans clamoring for its return.
#3 - GTA IV combat

One of the most beloved aspects of Niko Bellic's adventures throughout Liberty City was how well-done the combat was. Specifically, the hand-to-hand combat was highly appreciated by fans, which made its removal in the following game somewhat shocking.
As beloved as GTA Online might be right now, there's seldom a reason to duel a person via fisticuffs. While improved combat wouldn't fix that entirely, it could make some combat scenarios a lot more interesting to the player (especially in the single-player campaign).
#2 - More enterable interiors

Past GTA titles, such as GTA IV, had an abundance of enterable interiors that helped flesh out gameplay. Now, it seems like enterable interiors are just features related to businesses and other properties the player owns (as opposed to businesses outside of their control).
Features such as cafes, more casinos, and the like could return in GTA 6. Even new features that haven't been seen in the GTA franchise could be combined with past titles' enterable interiors. It would also make missions seem more alive, especially at the beginning of the game.
#1 - Customizable OC

GTA Online is a smashing success through and through. One thing that helps players immerse into Los Santos's world is that they can create their own character.
A customizable OC can lead to other RPG-esque features, such as skill trees, split paths in the story, and side quests playing a more crucial role in the world environment in GTA 6.
This could also tie into the San Andreas customization features, so the player can feel more immersed in whatever world GTA 6 takes place in. Plenty of games have customizable OCs, so having features related to it wouldn't be out of place in GTA 6.
GTA Online had several amazing features related to the protagonist, so it would be nice to see it return in some capacity in GTA 6.