It's no secret that melee weapons are impractical for most GTA Online scenarios; however, they are still fun to use for goofing around.
GTA Online constantly introduces new weapons from time to time. Sometimes, there's a new melee weapon for players to goof around with, which means GTA Online technically has more melee weapons than the base game of GTA 5.
In fact, there are 18 melee weapons for players to use at their own leisure gleefully. Predictably, this list will only include melee weapons a player can swing, so using a gun at melee range does not count.
As most melee weapons operate in a similar manner, ranking them based on fun is mostly subjective. However, melee weapons with special abilities and uses will rank higher than other generic options, as they are objectively more varied in usage.
Top 5 fun melee weapons in GTA Online
#5 - Golf Club

The Golf Club might be associated with the golfing side activity, but it still has a role as a fun melee weapon. It is one of the fastest melee weapons to use while running, with its good base damage and speed, making it an effective weapon.
Aside from running, it's too slow to be practical, but its niche still makes it a fun option.
Plus, some players might like role-playing servers. In these instances, the Golf Club can be used for immersion around golf clubs, which gives it an extra benefit over some of the other melee weapons in terms of "fun."
#4 - Fist

It would seem strange that one of the most fun melee weapons would be the one that every player has access to. This default option should be familiar to all players, as it allows the player to do basic combat.
One of the more interesting aspects about the Fist in GTA Online is that the player can perform the "glitch punch" with it, giving them the advantage over some other melee options.
Aside from that, killing another player with one of the most unimpressive weapons is one of the most ultimate disrespectful moves a player can make in GTA Online.
The shame one feels dying to a player bum-rushing them is immense, especially when they initiate the fight with a gun against the Fist user. As a result, it's a great melee weapon for teasing lesser-skilled friends.
#3 - Antique Cavalry Dagger

Using a knife in an underwater battle is quite fun for players seeking a different gameplay experience. However, the Antique Cavalry Dagger is the strongest option for underwater bouts, which also makes it arguably the most fun to use.
Sadly, if players don't have friends to mess around with, they won't be able to duel sharks as animals don't spawn in GTA Online.
That reason is the primary one why the Antique Cavalry Dagger isn't ranked higher. Still, it's stronger than the Knife, and it can do everything that a weapon is capable of in GTA Online.
If players love using melee kills to make stealth kills in GTA Online, then the Antique Cavalry Dagger is a bloody good one.
#2 - Machete

Bladed weapons are often beloved by GTA fans for their design, so GTA Online players can rejoice in knowing that the Machete is a melee weapon that is fun to use.
What helps make it stand out compared to its other bladed brethren is that players can use it on a motorcycle, almost like they're playing Road Rash. It's a strong weapon in this format too, so it's good for players who love melee weapons.
On foot, the Machete is powerful, as it can easily kill NPCs in one hit, and it can deal respectable damage to other players in GTA Online. It might not look as fancy as the katana of older GTA titles, but GTA Online players should still have fun messing around with the Machete.
#1 - Stone Hatchet

The Stone Hatchet is one of the most unique and fun melee weapons out there, as it has a special ability that players can use to their heart's content in free mode.
Strangely, it cannot be used in other modes like survival, but considering how overpowered this special ability is, it's no wonder that this melee weapon can't do so. In fact, its special ability is highly similar to Trevor Philip's special ability in the single-player campaign.
To activate this fun melee weapon in GTA online, the player just has to attack a player or an NPC with the axe. Once they do so, they have 12 seconds of Rampage activated, which is renewed upon another kill.
If the player swaps to another weapon or fails to get another kill, the ability vanishes. It's one of the very few melee weapons that players could actually use to some success, and it also looks great for Red Dead Redemption enthusiasts.
Note: This list is subjective and reflects only the writer's opinions.