Rumors and speculations are part of what makes the GTA franchise so popular and well-loved.
Everybody has heard of some ridiculous Grand Theft Auto rumor at some point. Whether it’s a special NPC or some random event, there have always been claims of something “extra” going on in this world.
With the internet circulating some of these false rumors, some have been revived at various points. Many seem far too outlandish at first glance, but a few fans were determined to see if they existed or not.
Thankfully, data mining can prove that the below GTA rumors turned out to be false, though they are interesting to look back in retrospect.
Most hyped GTA rumors that were just that
#5 - Killer Sharks (GTA Vice City)

Perhaps inspired by the GTA Vice City instruction manual, this was a rumor that there would be some sharks on the outskirts of the Vice City seas that could attack players and their boats. Sharks exist as fish in GTA Vice City, but cannot be interacted with in any capacity.
As they just swim around doing nothing, it isn’t possible for them to kill players. Tommy Vercetti will die if he tries to swim around them, but that’s solely because Tommy can’t swim in Vice City. At least they attack in GTA 5.
#4 - GTA Online casino is rigged

Casinos are rigged in the actual world; nobody doubts that. However, fans often wonder how manipulated casinos are in GTA Online (especially since it’s a popular update). Would it massively favor the Casino? Surprisingly, the answer is no. Casinos in GTA Online are not rigged like their real-world counterparts.
Instead, GTA Online casinos use standard RNG seeds for the various games hosted. It doesn’t matter if it’s slots or cards; the odds are always the same. Considering the GTA games are infamous for promoting violence, sex, and other nefarious criminal acts, it’s quite surprising to see honest casinos.
#3 - Leatherface (GTA San Andreas)

Supposedly, there would be sounds of a chainsaw rumbling around The Panopticon at night. This rumor was circulating on the internet around the time of GTA San Andreas’ release.
Like other rumors, it was associated with an entity known as Leatherface, who would attack players in a random event. While violent random events are nothing new in the GTA series, there would be no example of this in GTA San Andreas.
This rumor would later spread to other popular “spooky” countryside locations. However, no NPC is using a chainsaw around these parts, let alone one that would attack players at sight.
Still, this rumor helped inspire many San Andreas mods. Some have even tried to legitimize the idea of Leatherface in GTA (although it doesn’t change him not existing in-game).
#2 - GTA 6 coming out soon?

The gap between GTA 5 and GTA 6 is massive compared to previous entries in the franchise. Considering the former’s commercial success, some fans are surprised that there is nothing announced for its successor.
That’s why so many fans were longing to believe a popular announcement video created by an individual known as Joe Designs. He and his friends made several statements and trailers associated with this supposed upcoming title. They grabbed old Twitch names like GTAVI, made the logo, and set up a 24-hour livestream.
Of course, none of it was real. As long as GTA Online continues to be a smashing success, it seems highly unlikely that GTA 6 will come out anytime soon. However, rumors of the said game coming out will continue to explode through the coming years.
#1 - Bigfoot (GTA San Andreas)

Bigfoot is easily one of the most iconic myths in the real world, so it’s no surprise that its popularity as a mythical creature has transcended into the world of GTA.
Bigfoot’s rise in popularity within the GTA series started in San Andreas, particularly around its release. The rumor about such a creature helped evolve the history of GTA rumors, so it’s easily one of the most influential of all time.
The legend started by stating that players could find Bigfoot in Back O’ Beyond (later on; it became all the San Fierro countryside).
People have fabricated photos trying to prove this rumor’s legitimacy, but like the other rumors on this list, Bigfoot is unfortunately not in the game. He does appear in GTA 5, though!
Disclaimer: This list reflects the writer's personal views. What may seem the best to one may not be so to another.