Carl Johnson (better known by his nickname, CJ) is easily one of the most beloved characters in the GTA series.
Fans as well as critics adore CJ and often praise his involvement in the events of GTA San Andreas. He had plenty of milestones as a GTA protagonist, including getting amazing customizable features, being able to swim and have girlfriends, and more.
This article will take a look at some of the prominent reasons why CJ stands out as one of the most beloved characters in the GTA series.
Why CJ is one of the most beloved characters in the GTA franchise
#5 - He is the protagonist of a fan-favorite title

This should go without saying, but GTA San Andreas is a fan-favorite title in the GTA community. Naturally, the protagonist would have to be well-liked for that to be so.
While some fans believe that CJ makes GTA San Andreas popular, others argue that the events of GTA San Andreas and the overall gameplay could happen without the character.
CJ has more dialogue compared to his predecessors. The lore of GTA San Andreas is also more fleshed out, making the protagonist feel more alive compared to a lot of other characters in the series.
#4 - Chill personality

Sometimes, it's nice to see a character that's relatable and not a walking stereotype. CJ feels more alive compared to most characters in the GTA series, as he isn't a flat character (a trait most general characters have in the GTA franchise).
While there's an argument that CJ is a static character as opposed to a dynamic one, that isn't necessarily a bad thing (plus, some could argue that he becomes less selfish and more gang-oriented as the game progresses, which would make him a dynamic character).
As far as his personality goes, CJ is like somebody the player would know in real life. He's generally not aggressive, but he is a family man that'll do anything for his brother and sister. He's loyal to his true friends and even has some funny quotes.
If CJ was a real person, he would be a pretty cool person to hang out with, as the player wouldn't immediately feel like their life would be in danger.
#3 - His story is easy to understand

The story of a character goes a long way in how others perceive them. Minor characters, for example, often have little to no lore, so they tend to be forgotten. Even supporting characters tend to be sidelined if whatever story they have is rather limited. Fortunately, a protagonist is able to explore their character more than others can.
In CJ's case, he plays a central role in the overarching story of GTA San Andreas. His arrival in Liberty City after his little brother's death started the initial divide between him and the loyal Grove Street members. Later on, he regains their trust and rebuilds the Grove Street Families after Big Smoke's tragic betrayal.
It's a simple story for GTA San Andreas fans to follow, but it's an awesome tale worth reliving.
#2 - CJ was the first heavily customizable protagonist in the GTA series

By virtue of having far more customizable options than his predecessors (and most of his successors), CJ stands out as a character that the player can mold to their liking. While some aspects of CJ will always be the same (such as the fact that he is a man), there are so many features that the player could change.
CJ could be fat, muscular or thin. If the player wants a mix of all that, they should be pleased that it's somewhat possible in GTA San Andreas. Likewise, they can change his hairstyle, facial hair, and several individual clothing apparel. Considering the fact that players love customization, they tend to love CJ for this aspect of his character.
#1 - CJ has more morals compared to other GTA protagonists

Although CJ is no saint, he certainly appears to be one when he's lined up next to other GTA protagonists. He isn't like Trevor Philips who molests, kills indiscriminately or deals with cannibal cults. Likewise, he isn't like Claude who is solely interested in money and revenge. CJ is a more complex character that GTA San Andreas fans can more easily relate to.
While there are moments where CJ is more ruthless than one would expect, he's generally quite tame. He can't partake in rampages like the previous protagonists could (possibly due to his less sociopathic nature when compared to Claude and Tommy), and he wants nothing to do with the drug trade. In a vacuum, CJ stands out from all of the other protagonists in a positive way.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.