Despite being ruthlessly violent and aggressive, GTA Online is not above celebrating Valentine's Day. This week in the game, players can enjoy a ton of discounts and bonuses on Valentine's Day-themed content and game modes.
Players looking to cop themselves some flashy Valentine's Day-themed content in GTA Online will find plenty of cool discounts on items such as the Gusenberg Sweeper and all Valentine’s Day attire at clothing stores.
Plus, the Adversary Modes and Deathmatches, such as Till Death Do Us Part and Shotgun Wedding, are ideal if one is looking to pair up with a friend and shoot a bunch of strangers in matchmaking.
GTA Online: Bonuses plus discounts on Valentine’s Day content
Till Death Do Us Part is one of the most creative game modes in GTA Online and encourages users to play against others in couples of two. In this mode, players must quite literally stay in close vicinity to their partner as it regenerates health, and they share one life between them.
A total of 4 pairings can take part in a match and compete for supremacy using any combination of weapons. This week in GTA Online, the mode will pay out Triple RP and cash, which is an incredibly hard offer to pass up on.
To take part, players can simply follow these steps:
Pause > Online > Jobs > Play Job > Rockstar Created > Adversary Mode
Shotgun Wedding is a more traditional Deathmatch set in the idyllic backdrop of a chapel in Paleto Bay. It doesn't take long for the idyllic setting to be filled with chaos under a hailstorm of bullets and explosives.
Players can follow these steps to play the Job:
Pause > Online > Jobs > Play Job > Rockstar Created > Deathmatches