Completing the primary campaign of a single-player game (like GTA 5) often leaves a player wonder "What's next?"
For some players, they move on to another game. However, some gamers may still wish to play GTA 5 after beating the main story. It's a game with dozens of activities to participate in, so they won't be hard-pressed to find something to do.
Here is an example of some activities the player can do but are not limited to:
- All Strangers and Freaks (such as Bail Bond)
- Golf
- Tennis
- Yoga
- Explore the world
- Go hunting
- Find all hidden collectibles
- Become an animal via Peyote Plants
- Customize vehicles
- Utilize Director Mode
- Look at the game's attention to detail
- Play GTA Online
That's not even an entire list of what players can do after clearing every main mission in GTA 5.
What can a GTA 5 player do after beating the main story?

GTA 5 players have to think about what they want to do. As far as games go, GTA 5 offers a ton of replay value. One can sink hundreds to thousands of hours of their life into it if they desire. Best of all, one doesn't have to be a speedrunner to do that.
Some side activities to consider
If GTA 5 players are looking to chill and not do too much, they can always choose to watch one of GTA 5's few films. Some of them last approximately ten minutes, so it can eat up some time if a player is willing.
Alternatively, one can take a stroll all over GTA 5's map. It's the most prominent world in the GTA series, and there is plenty of exciting things to discover in it. One can even take it to the next level and bring a parachute to jump off Mount Chiliad for fun.
There are activities that more actively engage the player, as well. If the player is adamant about exploring the world, then they should find some collectibles. These items can only be found in specific areas, which can eat up a player's time if they opt not to use a guide.
GTA 5 players can also hang out with a few of the game's memorable characters. From there, they can do activities such as golf, tennis, and darts with that character. Unlike GTA 4, friendships aren't thrust into the player's face. On the bright side, one can learn a little extra about the characters if they choose to hang out.
Of course, one can also choose to make use of GTA 5's fun cheat codes. If that's not enough for a player to have fun with, they can also look at the game's rich modding scene. There's practically a mod for everything.
Speaking of mods, some players might also wish to give GTA 5 RP a shot. It's still popular on Twitch, and several GTA 5 RP servers have sizable player bases. These servers have many differences from each other, further increasing the replay value.

If one wishes to look for something more official, then GTA Online should be right up their alley. It's the official multiplayer experience created by Rockstar Games, and it's similar enough to GTA 5 for players to enjoy it.
It's worth mentioning that GTA Online still feels very different from GTA 5. It's a game geared toward social multiplayer, and it possesses several new features absent in the single-player story.
Some GTA 5 players may wish to play the base game as it is. If that's the case, they still have hundreds of activities and options to consider. Even simple acts like looking for Easter eggs and references can amuse players for hours.
There are still dozens of Random Events to do. The Altruist Cult Shootout is one of the more infamous examples, and that requires Trevor Philips to deliver four Random Event characters to the camp.
These side missions add plenty of favor to GTA 5, further ensuring that there is never a dull moment for the player.
GTA 5 players also have the opportunity to replay old missions to try and get a "gold medal" on it. This feature is an excellent way for players to redo the most fun missions in the game.
One can even try to go for 100% completion. It is a long and arduous journey, but it will keep the player playing until the end. Once a player hits 100% completion, they can say that they've genuinely beaten GTA 5 to its fullest.
If one still isn't satisfied with that, they can even attempt to speedrun the game. There are plenty of speedrunners with impressive records, but speedrunning isn't always about world records. Sometimes, a gamer might wish to set a new personal best.
It will involve the player beating the GTA 5 story repeatedly, but some players love the grind. There are several categories to consider if one chooses this path.