If you are an avid GTA 5 Online player you must know what Contact Missions are. If you are new to GTA 5 then you must know about them as they are very entertaining and exhilarating to accomplish.
What are Contact Missions in GTA 5 online?
You have probably hear about the Strangers and Freaks Mission as well as the Story Missions in GTA 5.
The only difference between them and Contact Missions is that the success rate is not measured in terms of percentages.
Apart from that they are quite similar and easily understandable. The other dissimilarity that you may notice is that Contact Missions don’t revolve around similar plots.
As a beginner, you may have noticed that there are few Contact Missions available. With the increase in the rank of the player, new GTA 5 Contact Missions are unlocked.
GTA 5 contact mission Rewards
If you complete the missions you earn Job Points (JP), money (GTA 5 $), and Reputation Points (RP). Previously, the payouts depended only on difficulty but with the update 1.16, the scenario has changed. They are now dependent on two main factors. They are:-
1. Difficulty
If the level of difficulty is easy, it will give you basic payout. On medium and hard difficulties levels, payments are increased by 25% and 50% respectively.
2. Duration
In order to get full payout, you need to complete a mission in more than 15 minutes. If you complete it faster, the payout will go down by the following percentages:
90% at 12–15 minutes;
80% at 10–12 minutes;
70% at 8–10 minutes;
60% at 6–8 minutes;
50% at 4–6 minutes;
37.5% at 3–4 minutes;
25% at 2–3 minutes;
12.5% (if you require 2 minutes or less to complete a mission)
Apart from these, you can also get Crew Bonus, Friend Bonus, Free Aim Bonus and Multiplayer Bonus to earn more RP and GTA 5 dollars.
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