GTA Online, so far, has done a great job at rewarding its loyal player base, while also attracting new players to the game. While huge content updates like the Doomsday Heist, Diamond Casino Heist and Arena War are spread out over months, there are several small regular updates that keep the players engaged.
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Major content updates like After Hours and Arena War bring all-new content to GTA Online like vehicles, events, and such. However, the Weekly Update provides an incentive to the player to keep coming back to GTA Online every week.
It offers content discounts, a new podium vehicle, Double and Triple RP events, among other things. This becomes a good way for Rockstar to retain its player base.
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When does the Weekly Update for GTA Online go live?

Rockstar Games rolls out the weekly update every Thursday. The time, however, can vary; sometimes the update comes in prematurely.
It is usually updated around 5:00 AM EST every Thursday. Players look forward to the Podium Vehicle available in the Diamond Casino Lucky Wheel Spin.
The Diamond Casino was added as part of the Diamond Casino Heist update, and has a Lucky Wheel Spin that has several rewards, including a Podium Vehicle.
A Podium Vehicle is a vehicle that is made available to you for free in case you manage to end up on the Podium Vehicle in the Lucky Wheel Spin.
Always keep an eye out for Double or Triple RP events, as they are essential if a player is looking to rank up as quickly. The details of the week's update have been made available prematurely.
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