The easiest way to obtain the Rhino tank in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition is by using the cheat code to spawn it. But what if players want to complete the game without the use of cheats?
Thankfully, there is a clean and clear-cut way to find the tank in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition without cheating, which this article discusses.
Quickly finding the Rhino in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition
The Rhino is one of the most iconic vehicles in all of GTA San Andreas. Before all of the deadly flying vehicles in GTA Online, the GTA community had the Rhino for most of its chaos.
Every user would like to be the proud owner of this rolling military death machine. With the tips below, hopefully, every all fans can quickly obtain their very own tank.
The Rhino is most easily located and saved by players when found at Area 69. They should first note that the Rhino will only spawn after CJ completes the mission "Verdant Meadows".
Gamers should head to the desert location in Bone County, San Andreas. This is where Area 69 and the military hangars exist, and they can find the Rhino, among other military-style vehicles.
Once players arrive on the southeast outskirts of the base, they must assault the breakable gate and drive straight until they reach the hangars at the end of the runway.
Along the way, users will see a military helicopter and a Hydra jet-plane, which can be collected at another time. Upon reaching the last hangar, they will find a Rhino tank.

All that is left to do is to steal the Rhino and save it in a personal garage. Luckily for players, CJ's airstrip is just around the corner. In such an unstoppable vehicle, he will find it very easy to make it safely back to his airstrip.
Driving the Rhino into the hangar at CJ's airstrip will save the tank as one of his personal vehicles. That is as long as GTA users are quick enough to run from the tank to the save point without being shot dead.