Vehicles blowing up and down the street is not at all an uncommon sight in GTA Online. Over the years, players have learned to ensure the safety of their vehicles ahead of time so as not to lose their prized possessions in a death match with another player.
Impound Lots are used by the police to seize the player's vehicle when they die in a session or abandon it in Freemode long enough for the cops to assume they are not coming back. In order to retrieve a vehicle from the Impound Lot in GTA Online, players will need to pay a fine of $250.
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Where is the Impound Lot in GTA Online:

The Impound Lot is located in LSPD Auto Impound, the place where Franklin picks up the Tow Truck for a side mission with Tonya in GTA 5. Players can either pay the required fine or retrieve their vehicle from the Impound Lot or steal it by force. The latter results in a 2-star wanted level.
Stealing your vehicle is not a simple feat either. The player will have to bring an SUV or a tall enough vehicle to climb over and then jump down the fence.
Another way to retrieve a vehicle from the Impound Lot is to bring out another personal vehicle and wait for the Impounded one to be destroyed. This way, the player will be able to retrieve their vehicle by paying a small insurance fee.
Vehicles can also be impounded as a result of them being parked in a no-parking zone or abandoned in Freemode. While the Impound Lot essentially ensures the safety of vehicles in GTA Online, it can sometimes turn into a nuisance. Nobody likes going all the way to the fenced area and paying a sizeable fine for one's own asset.
To avoid all the hassle, players should be careful not to park their vehicle in a no-parking zone or stray too far from it when playing in Freemode.
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