Some fans wonder where the military base is on the GTA Online map.
There are several buildings pertaining to military operations in the game, such as Facilities. However, fans are particularly curious about Fort Zancudo.
Fort Zancudo is a military base in GTA Online that is jointly operated by the US Army, Marines, and Air Force. It is the only one of its kind in GTA Online.
Unlike most Facilities in GTA Online, Fort Zancudo is something that the player cannot own. However, they can own a Hangar inside of it, allowing them some unrestricted access to the otherwise heavily fortified military base.
The location of the military base in GTA Online

Fort Zancudo is a military base that is located near the Lago Zancudo swamps and west of Mount Josiah. It's close enough to Blaine County, with other important geographical areas such as the Zancudo River being located nearby.
As a whole, Fort Zancudo is on the western-most part of San Andreas, so players should try heading west if they get lost.
Notable facts about Fort Zancudo in GTA Online

There are three Hangars available for purchase for wealthy GTA Online players. Purchasing one of them is highly recommended if the player seeks to make use of Fort Zancudo.
Having clearance to enter Fort Zancudo is a massive advantage. Otherwise, players would constantly have to deal with deadly guards, making it a nuisance for lesser-skilled players.
Apparently, Fort Zancudo is the largest military base on the west coast, at least according to the Maze Bank Foreclosures website. That kind of info isn't particularly useful for GTA Online players, but it is a neat trivia fact some players might care about.
Why players care about Fort Zancudo in GTA Online

Fort Zancudo has more uses than just being a place where Air Freight Cargo missions take place. This military base also has a role in some events, such as one of the Cayo Perico preparation missions (Heist Prep: Alkonost).
Fort Zancudo might not be the most important place in GTA Online, but players still want to have access to the military base.