Rockstar released the Definitive Edition GTA Trilogy on 11 November 2021, and it has been plagued by several issues at launch. Firstly, the remastered games have numerous bugs which spoil the gameplay experience. Besides that, PC players had to wait for more than two days to play the games.
Overall, the GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition has seen a disastrous launch, and the reception has been quite negative. GTA 3 seems to be the most stable game out of all three. This article finds out why it is more playable (has less bugs) and why the others are worse.
GTA Definitive Edition Trilogy: Which of the three games is the most stable right now?
GTA 3 Definitive Edition
Most players who have tried all three of the Definitive Edition games are of the opinion that GTA 3 has the best graphics. The difference between the original and new game is quite drastic. Rockstar created the 3D Universe with the original GTA 3 in 2001. It was an ambitious experiment that paid off quite well.
However, in terms of graphics and gameplay, it doesn't hold up as well as the rest. Hence, the Definitive Edition of the game is quite a jump from the originals in both these aspects. Like all the other games in the remastered trilogy, however, it also suffers from bugs.
There are numerous invisible walls throughout the map, some of which pop up temporarily. Players can also fall through the map into the blue hell, and this is much more frequent than in the original game. However, the original GTA 3 was riddled with several bugs, many of which have been absent in the new game.
GTA Vice City Definitive Edition
The Definitive Edition of GTA Vice City looks much more impressive than the original. Neon lights are now visible during daytime, and the waters are more lifelike. However, the improved graphics can't make up for the game's numerous bugs.
The player character and NPCs are sometimes transparent, and players can fall through floors, just like in GTA 3. Another notable bug involves the cops, who appear to teleport to the player's location in a more amusing manner than in Cyberpunk 2077.
GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition
GTA San Andreas has been reported to have the highest number of bugs out of all three games. In fact, they are so random that it's hard to make a list of them all. The graphics are also much less impressive. All in all, the difference between the original and remastered game is not much compared to how improved the others are.
Invisible walls and bridges, glitched textures and characters, and falling through floors are the least of a player's concerns. The game crashes frequently, saves go corrupt, and other bizarre events occur that make the game unplayable.
At present, GTA 3 is the most stable game in the Definitive Edition trilogy. It doesn't have as many bugs as the rest. The few bugs that are present in the game are not game-breaking. Hence, players can enjoy the game and complete it with relative ease compared to the others.