The name of the game in GTA Online is to keep moving forward, make big bucks, and get more shiny, new toys as the money rolls in. However, for those starting in the game, it can be very overwhelming as to which jobs pay more and are worth the time put into them.
Typically, GTA Online reserves the highest payout for heists as they are the biggest money-makers in the game. However, players are also encouraged to try their hand in various businesses that guarantee a steady income, even hourly.
At the same time, players often forget about contact missions, seeing as they don't pay out nearly as much as the heist. Seeing that there is little to no setup involved, and because they are usually far easier and replayable, contact missions are a great way to accrue a massive profit in GTA Online.
A look at the highest paying job in GTA Online in 2021
On a technicality basis, the single highest-paying job in GTA Online, period, is the Cayo Perico Heist. Players can do the heist solo or with the help of a crew/friends, which, although it might decrease the individual take, increases the chance of success.
Therefore, if players have friends to play GTA Online with, then the Cayo Perico Heist should be an absolute no-brainer.
Payout details

Contact missions

Contact missions are all relatively quite easy, and their payouts are usually dependent, in large part, on the time taken to complete the job. The penalty increases the longer the player takes to complete it.
Therefore, using armored vehicles like the Kuruma is a sure-shot method of completing these missions quickly in GTA Online. Other cars such as the Oppressor MKII and Buzzard are also encouraged to make the task far more straightforward than they are supposed to be.
Highest paying missions:
- Blow Up-Simeon
- Martin Madrazo's Dispatch Missions
- Flood in the LS River- Gerald
- The Los Santos Connection-Gerald