Created by Sykkuno, Yuno Sykk is one of the most popular characters in GTA 5 RP.
Thomas, or Sykkuno, is an internet personality known for his Twitch streams and YouTube videos. Thomas is better known by his internet alias Sykkuno and is undoubtedly one of the best GTA 5 streamers out there. As of now, his channel is the 36th most-streamed account on the platform.
GTA 5 RP is addictive, both for roleplayers and streamers. This article talks about Suno Sykk, one of the most popular and engaging GTA 5 RP characters ever created.
Who is Yuno Sykk in GTA 5 RP?
"I just want to be friends with everyone. I'm even friends with the cops. They're super nice. Everyone is... You just have to show them that they are. Sometimes people just need someone who believes in them. Everyone in this city just hates each other. The cops, the criminals... I think I’m the only one who can make a difference."
Unlike most criminal prodigies featured in GTA 5 RP, Yuno Sykk doesn't engage in criminal activities for the sake of money. In fact, he couldn't care less about the payouts since he's got multiple well-paid jobs in different parts of the city. But like Michael from GTA 5, he seems to have got the itch. It's an itch to get out there and take risks. This is perhaps why, despite being one of the most notorious criminals in the city, his bank balance is always dwindling. He even calls himself 'The Broke Bank Buster', baffled by the financial conditions of his filthy rich friends.
The most distinguishing thing about Yuno Sykk is how well he blends in everywhere he goes. He is easy-going, loves making connections, is a softie at heart and enjoys talking to people, even strangers.
Yuno Sykk may have his flaws, but he is an incredibly kind and empathetic person. He doesn't hurt anyone unless provoked into doing so and tries his best to stay on the "ethical" side of crime (there is, of course, none). Definitely one of the best GTA 5 RP characters to follow in 2021.