Money is the single most vital commodity in GTA Online. When it comes to earning a passive income, a bunker is usually the best choice.
While special cargo and vehicle cargo are the most profitable businesses, they require an active effort from players. The gunrunning business, however, can earn players a steady stream of profit every hour without much hassle in GTA Online.
Due to its passive earning nature, it is usually suggested to keep the bunker as a side business and work on the more lucrative ones.
GTA Online bunker: The best source of passive earnings?
The first thing gamers must do is purchase the Farmhouse Bunker, available from the Maze Bank Foreclosures website, for $2,375,000. Although many players prefer the Chumash bunker for various reasons, this article will cover the Farmhouse Bunker as it grants the highest passive earnings.
"The Grand Senora ecosystem comes in three tiers: the wannabe hippies staging a made-up fire festival; the roaming gangs of mutants who prey on them for sustenance and sport; and the paranoid software tycoon hoarding enough underground munitions to start World War 3. That's right, you're the top of the food chain."
— Farmhouse Bunker description
Users have to be VIPs, CEOs, or MC Presidents in GTA Online to purchase a bunker and start the gunrunning business. While a bunker has multiple customization options, the equipment, staff, and security upgrades are vital for earning a passive income.

The bunker will take an estimated time of seven minutes to manufacture 1/110 units. The initial investment is projected to be approximately $375,000 with all upgrades purchased, meaning it will take 8 hours in GTA Online to pay off this expenditure.
Players should note that they have to return every 2.5 hours to restock the supplies to keep the gunrunning business active. An easier way to do this is to buy a Personal Quarters upgrade for $265,000. Players who own an Arcade in GTA Online can use the Master Control Terminal instead.
The total amount of profits made from the bunker will amount to $1,050,000. If all the operating expenses are deducted, the actual revenue comes down to $675,000, meaning that gamers can earn an hourly profit of $52,000 in GTA Online with the bunker.